Two Suggestions - Soft Start and Toggle Tuner Display

  • Hi All,

    I have two suggestions for future updates. Firstly, following the previous update where the tuner display changed from sharps to flats I believe it would be more useful to allow users to toggle between using sharps or flats. Personally I find this quite annoying and it's the first update were I wasn't pleased with a change, the flat symbol () wasn't even used but instead the letter b. As sharps were previously used, then the software code has already been written for this, I would just like to see the option to toggle between them, there's even space for an additional option in the tuner menu so it seems perfect to me (using a powered head).

    My second suggestion is a "soft start" functionality, to avoid those horrible pops and clicks coming from the cabinet/speakers on start up (and also on shutdown). I'm not sure how achievable this is based on software vs. hardware requirements, but the idea is that on power up and initialisation the volume is automatically set at zero and then gradually scaled up to the previous volume setting automatically after the system is initialised.

    Neither of these things are serious issues, more like minor annoyances; but you don't ask, you don't get! ;)