Tone Wars SLO Pack

  • Hi guys, I tried another pack from Tone Wars along with the other pack I mentioned before and I wanted to post about this one too!

    The Tone Wars SLO Profile pack came with somewhere around 60 Studio Profiles and and around 30 DI Profiles. I was honestly blown away by this Profile pack too! If the SLO sounds this amazing in person-then it lives up to it's reputation. I hear a lot about how wide the tonal spectrum of the SLO is, and I think this set of Profiles really gives a total representation of the amps tonal spectrum.

    Just like the other Tone Wars Profile packs, the pack includes Clean, Crunch, and high gain Profiles, as well as some random really great sweet spot Profiles. And alot like the other pack, the Profiles are really dynamic. But compared to the other pack, these Profiles are even more touch sensitive when it comes to breaking-up and distorting and it makes for some really amazing low gain and mid gain tones. I can totally see how the SLO can be an "every tone" kind of amp that covers a ton of ground and pretty much every gain stage you'd ever need for most types of music! The Crunch channel Profiles in the pack were pretty much plug and play for me and I was really happy with how quickly I was getting great sounds for low and mid gain tones that usually take me a ton of tweaking to get where I like lol (because I have much more experience dialing in higher gain tones and just recently got really into lower and mid gain tones)

    And for the high gain tones, these Profiles are as good as it gets! lol Literally tonal nirvana and the SLO's gain structure really sounds super unique and rich. And the SLO Profiles have a really tight low end no matter where the gain knob is set. The SLO high gain Profiles are really articulate and really clear even with a lot of distortion, which sounds sick! With the low end tight, the overall tone clear and rich, and the gain searing and percussive, I was in heaven with the high gain tones lolol :D

    But most importantly for us guitarists, the Profiles FEEL really great to play. Jarrod (the tone dialing-in genius who makes the ToneWars Profiles) is always making an extra effort to make sure that the feel of whatever amp he's profiling-is represented in the Profiles. The Profiles have to feel like the real amp to him before he considers releasing them and selling them. Those standards make for some really high quality Profiles. Honestly, so far all of the ToneWars Profiles i've tried, are up to par with Profiles from the great Profile makers like TJ and MB and Guido and ChopTones, etc.

    And as a really sick bonus, the SLO pack comes with a free pack of the SLO 30 too!

    So you get a SLO 100 and SLO 30 pack! And the SLO 30 pack comes with around 15 Profiles of various gain stages and EQ settings.

    This pack was another one that totally impressed me and I'd highly recommend it for anyone looking for a Profile pack for a SLO that covers a ton of tonal ground!:)

    (I forgot to link the website for anyone interested last time, so here it is! : )