• Here’s my set up.
    I Di my amp with a Marshall stereo 4x12

    One side is the kemper the other the amp.
    once it’s done I unhook the amp from the kemper and put a a/b box connected to both. So I can do a true comparison.
    it comes out really close but the kemper sounds like it has a blanket over the cabinet.
    once I push the master volume up on the kemper to say ALMOST band practice levels it comes alive and is almost identical to the real amp. But only once I push the volume.
    am I doing something wrong? Or is the a better way to profile? How loud should my reference amp be while profiling it?

  • I have noticed the same thing. My original intention was to use the Kemper as a "taming tool". In my head it made sense. I always felt like I was killing the front row with my 50watt head and 2x12 cabinet despite getting constant compliments on my tasteful stage volume. The first few gigs I played with the Kemper were a struggle. I figured I could play full out distorted profiles on certain songs and ultra clean profiles on others. Except all at appropriate volumes. What I heard from the amp was either muddy or abrasive. Couldn't seem to find that sweet spot. It wasn't until I started turning it up to a point where I could hear and feel it that it started to sound like I remembered those profiles sounding in my studio. I think the key is to blend it to the rest of the band as well as you can. For the volume you are playing at, tweak it to sound right. If that means brightening up a clean tone or darkening up a gain tone, so be it. I think it comes down to the way our ears hear and the fact that you're probably still playing with a cabinet aiming at your calves. What we hear coming out of the amp is more than just the way the amp sounds but what it sounds like in a given environment.