[Bogren Digital] Producer Impulse Responses - Jens Bogren

  • Hi there! I just wanted to drop in to let you guys know about the 'Leads and Cleans' IR pack that I released under the Bogren Digital brand.

    This is a follow-up to the Rhythm pack that came out last year and works great with it.

    If you're wondering why the hell are there IR packs specifically for metal rhythm, clean, and lead tones, well... it's because that's how I work when I engineer guitar tones.

    I would always try to change the chain for lead guitars - cabs, mics, preamps, EQ, etc. That way there are no overlaps and frequency build ups that happen when you use the same setup for everything.

    And with cleans, I just approach them very differently than rhythm or lead tones.

    Just like last time, all the impulse responses capture my complete signal chain, down to the very last EQ moves to make the guitar sit in a mix. Of course I cannot predict what is your mix and your input signal but I engineered these while referencing my past productions and I think there's enough variation in the pack to cover most scenarios.

    Oh, and Marty Friedman dropped in to do a demo, so even if you are not in the market for IRs, I hope you will enjoy his tasty leads :)


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