Kemper Kone needs driven imprints.

  • My ideal tone has always been non-master amps cranked and the Kemper has been capturing my collection of amps very well. Played back through studio monitors, where I’m hearing the full amp profile; it sounds great. As close to the real thing as any mic’d amp can be. Love it.

    Playing these profiles through the Kab though, is far from satisfying. It’s been bugging me since buying it and I realised it’s because the IRs are all clean. Speakers driven hard, change tone, as well as distorting. Not an issue as much with overdrive created in preamps, where the output valves/tubes and speakers aren’t being pushed hard.

    I’ve tried some of the in-built IRs with my direct profiles, in the profiler and they sound good clean, but completely change the tone of a cranked amp. In the same way, if I try swapping my captured cabs from clean to dirty profiles or the reverse, the tone completely changes. [Sometimes good, but not the sound of the original amp.]

    I noticed today there are 2 high gain Creamback IRs in the cab section and found they worked well with the profile I was working on (cranked Deluxe Reverb through a Celestion Gold). I could swap them with very little change in tone or response. I’d pretty much given up on being able to use the Kab and was looking at passive wedges to go with the Power Head. I now realise having some cranked speaker imprints would allow it to work.

    So I/we need some (clearly marked) cranked speaker imprints for the Kab/Kone please. The missing link to making the Profiler near perfect. Alternatively, a way to be able to add to the existing imprints ourselves.


  • I think I “drive” type setting at rig level for existing imprints would be the best solution for your needs. That way the same imprint could be used with clean rigs and dirty rigs (with just the drive function being increased)

    Unfortunately that won’t give me the sound I want. Lack of drive isn’t the issue. The trouble is the sound going to FOH is very different to what’s being heard through the Kemper Kabinet. Full range mode can get part of the way there, with a fair amount of eq on the monitor output, but it doesn’t really represent the profiled amp.

  • I understand that and I still propose the same solution. “Drive” is only a name I came up with it could be called breakup, speaker frying or anything else. All I am saying is, instead of creating new imprints for each speaker being driven harder simply add a parameter to the existing imprints that introduces the effect of speaker drive gradually rather than a binary “speaker ideal conditions” / “speaker breaking up”.

  • If you want to hea

    I understand that and I still propose the same solution. “Drive” is only a name I came up with it could be called breakup, speaker frying or anything else. All I am saying is, instead of creating new imprints for each speaker being driven harder simply add a parameter to the existing imprints that introduces the effect of speaker drive gradually rather than a binary “speaker ideal conditions” / “speaker breaking up”.

    OK, thanks for clarifying. I didn’t get what you meant before.

    Yes, that’s a great idea and a step further again. My idea would be simpler, but yours is even better. :/:thumbup:

  • IR do not reflect non-linear effects such as 'drive' - all they are is a complex EQ really.

    If you found IRs that work well with what you have in mind (the high gain Creamback IRs) then this just proves that you can get there with EQ.

    generally speaking I'd advise rolling down the highs (Presence) while increasing the Mids, possibly the bass as well

  • IR do not reflect non-linear effects such as 'drive' - all they are is a complex EQ really.

    If you found IRs that work well with what you have in mind (the high gain Creamback IRs) then this just proves that you can get there with EQ.

    generally speaking I'd advise rolling down the highs (Presence) while increasing the Mids, possibly the bass as well

    There isn’t any way to change that between clean and driven profiles though, is there? Only global settings?