Kemper through a real cab issues

  • I’m making a lot of progress with this. Thanks to all that helped.
    I’ve ordered a Weber beam blocker, which I have installed in another cabinet and really helps.


    In the output section, are all of those settings global? IOW, I should use those settings to shape the overall tone that comes out of the cabinet. And the individual profiles should still be tweaked from the amplifier section?

    I've used a lot of equipment.. the kemper is so flexible, but that "adjustability" can stop anybody dead in their tracks! I've literally built cheat sheets.. nothing feels worse than plugging in and no sound comes out of your cab b/c you an output setting you adjusted when running via studio monitor via your DAW. I have my profiler sitting on my studio desk and a 25 cable to my cab so I can concentrate on the interface.

    I can imagine the amount of changes that have went in since inception.