Same Volume for every profile?

  • Title basically says it

    most profiles have a different loudness to each other. this is very annyoing, escpecially when you switch between profiles to test and compare.

    Should be possible, to set the Kemper to one "REAL" master volume, so everything coming out has the same volume level. Unless there is some volume boost in the stomp sections engaged or something, of course.

  • Depending on which Rigs each person decides to use, they really all have to be manually leveled and stored using the Rig volume. Not only are they shared or sold with different rig volumes, but, the microphone position and EQ applied to the profiles have a big impact on the overall output level of each rig. And, each edit a user does to a rig can affect the output level, too.

  • Loudness is a bit problematic because many things play a role here.

    It is the frequencies itself as you see in the curves of equal loudness (Fletcher Munson )

    and as you see in these curves they change with loudness.

    This means, even if you have a normalizing algorithm that takes these curves into account they would have to be dynamic to fit each

    loudness. So the poweramp and cab would have to be taken into account also.

    That alone would be pure horror to programm AND would work only with a setup where every part is measured well.

    As a summary, normalizing with a signal generator and only peak values will not work that well because of that .

    The other problem is LUFS. Measuring a peak signal like on a uncompressed d.i. signal will not give you the same loundness

    even if the compressed and distored tone would have the same peak values.


    The solution would be a a algorithm that sends a linear sweep and some impulses through your rig und measures the LUFS on the other side.

    The measuring would have to take into account at least a bit the fletcher munson curve. Like the A-Weighted curve ...

    But even this would not work well at any volume. Kemper would have to make a Microphone to make it really work at any venue etc ...

    I fully understand you and i had the same feature request years ago but in the meantime i don't think it would work well.

    here are some explanations

  • i know all that stuff with the Frequencies and Fletcher-Munson .

    But it would be helpful, if you could set dB-level for example. of course i would hear a mid-boosted profile louder than a scopped one, but thats why you boost mids in a solo and not neccessarily the volume.

    I think it would work more or less, if rig volume would actually set the rigs to a specific volume. meaning: rig volume for one profile is for example 2. and if you set any other profile to rig volume 2 as well, it would outpur the same dB.
    that would be much better, than all the different volume levels, just because a rig was recorded louder than another.