Clock setup error

  • Hey everyone! I’m new to the Kemper community. I have small issue with the Kemper stage which I just received yesterday. . Every time it boots up I’m getting a “clock setup error”. I have set the clock multiple times. I did already go to the local shop where I bought it and he’s going to call it in on Monday. Worst case he’s going to transfer a new one from one of the other locations and we’ll swap.

    But I’m just wondering if any of you have experienced this? I read that the internal battery is probably dead.

  • Bonjour ,

    j ai le même problème qui est apparu 1 mois après mon achat( en février)

    depuis toujours ce message : clock setup error

    est ce que tu as trouvé une solution ?

    est ce le batterie interne ?

    merci de l aide que vous pourrez m apporter ;)