Question about Drive/Boost pedals in front of the Kemper

  • Hi, I have a question about if I put some drive or boost pedals in front of the Kemper, should I turn off the Compressor from the Kemper? Or it doesn't really matter? I use Mbritt profiles, I think the profiles by themselves sound the best with the Compressor on, with drive/boost pedals in front, sounds good too, but it also have a bit more noise, because normally drive/boost pedals are after compressor. For guitar recording situation, what is your suggestion? Thanks!

  • You use less distortion when you record into a mix. You use much less distortion if you are double tracking or layering individual guitars tracks over one another.

    Use an OD pedal or stomp the way you like it. But I usually set the profiled amp at a much lower gain when using OD/Distortion.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • You use less distortion when you record into a mix. You use much less distortion if you are double tracking or layering individual guitars tracks over one another.

    Use an OD pedal or stomp the way you like it. But I usually set the profiled amp at a much lower gain when using OD/Distortion.

    Thanks! Yes, if the pedals work well with Kemper, I only use Clean sound profile from Kemper