Profiles are missing "body"

  • Hi,

    yesterday i wanted to profile my Friedman Pink Taco.

    I have a studio invironment that should be good enough for that purpose.

    Doesn't matter if I make a direct/merged or studio profile - but i can't get the profiles sound like the actual amp.

    I'm not talking about "amp in the room sound" - I'm talking about the A/B comparison after the actual profiling procedure.
    And no matter how much or often I refine - the profile is justing missing body / fullness compared to the actual amp. I don't mean bass. the bass response is ok. it's really just the fullness of the sound i get from the amp. It also sounds a little digital, but thats not as bad as the thin sound of the profile.

    I also tried playing around with the bass shift and high shift in the cab section after saving a profile.

    Any ideas what i can do?

    I start losing my faith in the profiler. I just can't get it sound like i want to(and I've had it for 2,5 years now) , because if you start tweaking commercial profiles you have already lost as it doesnt' react like an amp EQ.

  • I don't know where your amp is placed during the profile but if it's in the same room as your Kemper then you will have a problem. The type of mic can be a problem too along with it's placement.

    The A/B comparison is the profiled sound compared to the mic'd amp/cab sound. The best way to achieve the comparison is to profile the amp in an isolated room or booth where you only hear it's mic'd sound and you get no bleed over to your ears from the actual amp. You also have to consider what type of mic you are using. A SM57 has been pretty much the standard for miking amps.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I knew this would come up...

    As I said, I compare the mic'd sound of the amp/cab which is great. Of course it is, I placed the mic and set the amp EQ so it sounds like I want it through the studio monitors.

    And yes, of course it's in a different room.

  • Not sure on this...I just profiled my Mesa Boogie MKIV with my Powerhead...did it in the same room, CRANKED.....I am using a complexed high-gain tone and didn't expect more than a digital "carbon" copy of the amp with it minimally sounduing and feeling like the original...I have to say I was SHOCKED at how close it got...The subtle feel, attack, bounce..all of those little things...I was skeptical at first, now I play through the Kemper profile I made more than the actual amp (ease of use, all effects everythign in one box..) The louder it gets, the better it sounds...I find that lower volumes (when pushing a guitar cab) are not as satisfying, and take a little more tweak to the EQ ( think it would be the opposite).. The refining feature is key...I also use different tunings and profiled usinng diefferntly tuned guitars (a few at pitch, drop D, Drop B..etc..) really makes a difference as the bass response is a bit different on a lower tuned guitar...bla bla bla...this probably isn't helpful , just my experience..I also know that Kemper has issues with capturing certain amps..Victory Kracken comes to mind...just a few. It sounds like you are technicaly savy...I watched Rabea's video ion how he does profiles using a small mixer and multiple mics to capture the fullnes, etc... I bet some of the major profiling studio entities take it to this "next level" of profiling to capture "that" sound.... Rabea's video:

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  • i know that video. i also watched the video of guido bungenstock at 48Volt Studio showing how they profile and refine.

    did it the same way.

    as i already said I am capturing the sound i want with the mic (sennheiser e906). it sounds great. but the profile is just missing body.

  • i know that video. i also watched the video of guido bungenstock at 48Volt Studio showing how they profile and refine.

    did it the same way.

    as i already said I am capturing the sound i want with the mic (sennheiser e906). it sounds great. but the profile is just missing body.

    There is also a video that Michael Britt put out for profiling.. He mentions needing to ad a comporessor to help with that "natural" feel & punch....Really helps with clean to just a bit of an overdriven sound...Adding in that natural amp compression...Again, might not be addressing your exact issue ..just trying to help.