Kemper and Captor X

  • So I have a question. I was wondering if you can hook a captor X up to a Kemper and it could pose as the cab? Using a DI profile of course. Can this be done? I’m pretty sure it can but I don’t want to ruin anything??

  • Thank you guys for your responses! I just wanted to see how DI profiles with my IRs faired with my captor X and I have to say there really isn’t much of a difference. IRs have improved a ton on the Kemper in my opinion!

  • I have a Two Notes C.A.B. M+ that could be used for this purpose. You can plug your pedal board straight into it and go XLR to a mixer. If you hooked it up the way you are asking about you would want to turn the preamp off in the C.A.B. M+ since the Kemper would be performing that task. The C.A.B. M+ has 3 levels you can set it to run at for various options to hook it up.