Backup via USB-Stick fails

  • Hello, I bought a Profiler Stage especially for my home because I don't want to carry my Profiler Rack around all the time.

    Now I have failed several times to transfer my new Performances from the Stage to the Rack with a USB stick. Unfortunately, simply formatting the USB stick and transferring the backup doesn't work. The message appears that the USB stick does not contain a backup.

    Presumably this is because the identical Profiler software version has to be transferred first?

    But how can I transfer the new Profiler software version to the USB-stick?

  • The Profiler OS is not a part of the backup. You only need to make sure that both units run the same version of the OS. It does not need to be on the stick. What happens when you create the backup on your first Profiler? Do you get the message that the backup has been successfully created?

    Can you see the backup file in the backups folder when you mount the stick in your computer?

  • That is very helpful. The only thing is that I last did a version update on my Powerrack before Corona (about 2 years ago).

    Yes, it showed "Backup completed".

    Yes, the backup is displayed on the iMac.

    I think there will be no way except taking the Powerrack to my home computer for an update - I found this info today... Is it possible to do an update via USB stick?

    Thank you very much for your help

  • you can check the content of the backup by opening it inside Rig Manager. Using a USB stick to update the Profiler is one of the two methods for updating. You can find a detailed explanation how to do that in the "how to update" PDF that comes with the download of the update.

  • Thank you again, but this suggestion does not make me sure to give it a new try on stage. I will take the Powerrack to my home which I tried to avoid. I have now read "how to update" which hopefully will help me further.

    I had clearly underestimated updating via USB stick and therefore did not regularly update the software version of the Powerrack, because I fear such tasks on stage before or after a gig.

  • Thank you again, but this suggestion does not make me sure to give it a new try on stage. I will take the Powerrack to my home which I tried to avoid. I have now read "how to update" which hopefully will help me further.

    I had clearly underestimated updating via USB stick and therefore did not regularly update the software version of the Powerrack, because I fear such tasks on stage before or after a gig.

    updating any device right before the gig is never a good idea. Better do it at home and get familiar with the new functions before you take the Profiler to the live stage.