Stereo reamping through s/pdif?

  • Hey. Is it possible to do stereo-reamping through s/pdif only?

    When sending out from the computer through s/pdif to reamp, does that mean that I cannot use both s/pdif left and right to get a stereo track return? Or is s/pdif two way in and two way out?

  • S/PDIF is a unidirectional 2-channel connection. For bidirectional setup you need two S/PDIF cables.

    You need one S/PDIF cable from your audio interface to the Profiler ... and only use the first (left) channel to send your DI signal to the Profiler.

    To get digital audio back from the Profiler to your interface, you need a second S/PDIF cable ... and this can be a full stereo signal (e.g. Master Stereo)

  • I have have both connected (both in/out). I just thought that when recording a dry and a wet signal both were occupied. But is that only the one of them?

    So I can simultaneously send a mono s/pdif signal TO the Kemper and a stereo s/pdif FROM the Kemper?