More effects slots (software only)

  • Please can we can more effects slots…

    even if they’re “software only” ones with no associated switches if any kind.

    Particularly post.

    on every rig I’d have a post EQ, Stereo Widener and Reverb. That leaves me basically one post effect slot I can actually use for anything else (and it’s usually got a delay). So if I want a post boost or stereo chorus for example I’m stuck and need to remove something.

    This is such a huge limitation.


  • Why do you put boost on post instead of pre?

    Boost in Post Effects would turn up the volume of the Rig without changing the Gain. ( Morphing the Rig Volume would do this, too)

    As an aside - I almost always use the volume knob on my guitar to add gain for solos, and let the FOH sound engineer adjust as needed. There is one song that we do that I use Morph to turn up the Rig Volume and Delay Mix, without adding gain. But, it is a squeaky clean '80s drenched in Chorus sound.

  • I second the wish for more effect slots (and I bet this has been requested several times).

    I think they could be “ghost slots” for always on effects. In my case it’s an fx loop that always takes away space in the front. Then a tremolo and two drives and I’m out of space although I’d love to add boosters, compressors and so on…

  • I take a different view.

    If we assume that the processing power of the KPA isn’t infinite then at some point there will be a limit to how many FX can be run simultaneously. I have no idea how close we are to that already but given that the KPA is a decade old it “might” not be viable to add many more FX slots. Even if it is I still can’t imagine a situation where I would ever need more than 8 FX on the same rig.

    HOWEVER, i have often wished that I could have more slots EITHER before or AFTER the stack.

    Therefore, I think the problem could be easily solved within the exist system by simply allowing users to select where they want an effect placed in the signal path instead of having fixed routing. That way I could have 2 fx before and 6 after on one rig but 7 before and 1 after on another etc