Kemper please get rid of "crowd rating" in Rig Exchange!!

  • I guess the 1 star out of 5 is universal bad but it's still a Star! Lol we used have this joke in my old band when someone was suckin or being wack they got a "green sticker" ( the use them on cars to be towed on the interstate here) and if someone was doing good they got a "Gold Star".

    :D yeah well it is a star :D do not get me wrong it is okay the way it is but it would be cool if the rig exchanging was more motivating. 100% of my motivation comes from the forum and the few people that respond and are thankful about the upload... rigexchange itself is convenient but idk ...

  • please point me to where both manufacturers and other voiced that they stopped uploading caused by the star rating.

    I would like to offer an additional option for consideration that I believe would significantly improve the relevance of the crowd rating, and also make it easier for people to find what they're looking for in general.

    The point that people listen to a profile and downvote it because it's not the style they're looking for is not without merit. I almost sold the Kemper the first week I had it because I'm a classic rock guy and I listened to Marshall after Marshall. I was absolutely stunned by how bad they sounded, after hearing so many positive things about the Kemper. They were simply the worst Marshall emulations I had ever heard.

    Only later did I realize that since a profile is merely a snapshot of one specific tone, context is everything. All those absolutely horrific Marshalls I listened to were in all likelihood exceptionally good quality profiles for people who were playing metal. But obviously, what's good for metal and classic rock can be very, very different things. Nonetheless, if I'd been voting, I would have flamed each and every one of them, giving zero stars if possible, due to my lack of understanding.

    While it's true that we can dial in an amp tone that's good for a variety of scenarios, we more often dial them in to get a specific sound, and that usually means a specific genre of music. Rig Manager / Exchange doesn't really support the concept of specifying genre(s) for a profile. That means if I'm looking for a classic rock Marshall on 11, I have to wade through all the Marshalls because I don't know which are metal, which are classic rock, and which are other things. I have no context whatsoever for the sound that the person making the profile had in mind. This leads to downvoting and, at least in my case, a very real possibility of ditching the Kemper entirely (man, am I glad I didn't).

    I know there are only so many developer hours in a day, and effort / features have to be prioritized. That said, adding an additional set of attributes for intended genre to RM / RE doesn't seem like rocket science. There are constant updates to both the Kemper and RM, for which I'm grateful. I truly believe having attributes to identify the intent of a profile, i.e., "best for / works well for / etc.," would be a welcome feature for a great many people, and would also significantly diminish the downvoting.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • That's why many believe also competitors / trolls are voting.

    Human nature being what it is, I don't doubt that this takes place.

    Perhaps an additional feature suggestion would be to handle ratings in a similar fashion to the "likes" on forum posts, where you can see who voted and how. Then people with a history of abuse could be flagged for moderation and that practice would become less frequent.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I totally agree. I ranted about the crowd rating 3+ years ago, and nothing has changed. My rant: Genres for User Profiles and Ratings system upgrade for Rig Esxchange

    Yours is a different take, but the general message is the same: Sadly, ratings are a waste of time.

    I also posted recently about how I try to post profiles for all different types of guitars, sort of like a profile pack where you find a few that you like, but most aren't for your setup. Unfortunately, people down vote the ones that aren't for their gear, and they probably enjoy doing it.

    I realized that I was taking it a little too seriously, but it eventually stopped me from posting any new profiles. I now profile my amps/cabinets for me, and don't make them for anyone else. Sadly, I don't post them anymore either.

  • Yours is a different take, but the general message is the same: Sadly, ratings are a waste of time.

    This ?

    As I said earlier I either hide Ratings or just ignore them all the time. Bottom line is they are useless and pointless. I can’t see how they add anything positive to the community at all.

  • That they shared "obviously great stuff" is not always true as well. I've purchased plenty of rig packs mostly packed with rigs I find unpleasant and useless.

    And it's still no garantee with a free profile from a commercial rig pack. I have liked some of them enough to open my wallet only to find out the only profile I liked was the free one. X/

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Agreed that as is, the relevance of the "star" system is questionable but at the same time, the indication of popularity is useful. RE has accumulated a couple of rigs that now have quasi-legendary status and just by paying attention to their popularity, those can fast track someone in the right direction. Maybe a "number of thumbs up" like Bommel suggested could achieve that without discouraging people to contribute more to RE?

  • With RM you can fast and easily test a profile and if you don't like you just move on to the next without any hassle so I can't understand why some of you see the rating system as a problem nowadays. No why you make it a problem that don't exist. If it was in the past when you had to download profiles to the pc and over to a memory stick and upload the profiles in the kemper, only to find you didn't like none of the those profiles and had to start over again. That was so funny, oh yes indeed. :rolleyes:

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • With RM you can fast and easily test a profile and if you don't like you just move on to the next without any hassle so I can't understand why some of you see the rating system as a problem nowadays. No why you make it a problem that don't exist. If it was in the past when you had to download profiles to the pc and over to a memory stick and upload the profiles in the kemper, only to find you didn't like none of the those profiles and had to start over again. That was so funny, oh yes indeed. :rolleyes:

    My initial experience was with looking for Marshall profiles. There are approximately 1.21 gazillion Marshall profiles, and I'd guess that easily 75% of them or more are for metal rather than classic rock.

    I only have so much time on this Earth. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10