Using AUX for a 2nd guitar rig using Iridium and playing Simultaneously

  • Hi All,

    I saw tutorials and read about using the RETURN unit as an AUX input for MP3 playback for example, while playing along with your guitar thru the main input, and sending the signal to a FR, monitor or an interface.

    But is it possible to connect another guitar with a small rig through that input and play with a 2nd guitarist that is connected through the main input. One would be using the Kemper and its effects signal chain, and the other would be using the iridium (with a small rig of a tiny pedal board of a BB preamp and a reverb pedal ) and we output to the same monitor, will the Kemper handle this? (or will the monitor to handle since everything will be coming at it from one source)? or would this be clipping and mangled and cause damage to either?

    The reason I am asking is because I have one Audio Interface, but the Kemper is in a different room with a monitor only where I give guitar lessons, I don't want to keep unhooking the Audio interface back and forth, just to connect another guitar, or keep moving my tube amp back and forth and looking for a permanent solution without using a basic interface or adapters anything else, Did anyone try something similar before?


  • Hey Alan, thanks a lot for the reply.

    So after selecting parallel path, I make A an FX block and I just connect iridium output in Return input? and then I can use B as a part of a signal chain block for the iridium only ? like adding delay /eq/ rev or others?

    If that is correct? what if I place the FX block in stomp B? can I put a drive before that in stomp A? or it doesn't't work that way?

    How about the way I mentioned, will it work too without having to do a parallel path and just use the iridium with the physical pedals ?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Hey Alan, thanks a lot for the reply.

    So after selecting parallel path, I make A an FX block and I just connect iridium output in Return input? and then I can use B as a part of a signal chain block for the iridium only ? like adding delay /eq/ rev or others?


    If that is correct? what if I place the FX block in stomp B? can I put a drive before that in stomp A? or it doesn't't work that way?

    No, in that case the effect in Stomp A wouldn’t be receiving any signal as it would be before the guitar in the signal chain. It would be similar to having a Tube Screamer velcroed to the front of your guitar sitting between the strings and output jack but with no cables.

    How about the way I mentioned, will it work too without having to do a parallel path and just use the iridium with the physical pedals ?

    Thanks a lot!

    Actually, just reread your post. Yes your way should work perfectly. When I first thought about my reply I wasn’t thinking straight about the use of the Iridium so thought you might need at least one FX to make is sound OK but in reality the Iridium settup should be able to give you a good sound to work with via the Aux input. ??

  • Quote

    No, in that case the effect in Stomp A wouldn’t be receiving any signal as it would be before the guitar in the signal chain. It would be similar to having a Tube Screamer velcroed to the front of your guitar sitting between the strings and output jack but with no cables.

    ;( we should all sell all our gear and do just that, it is so analogue that it does not even require cables ;(

    Thanks so much for taking the time and replying ma, this is so useful !

    I will try the parallel path and the way I was suggesting and will share the results here to which sounds better, this will make lessons setup a breeze.

    Cheers and all the best, Rock on!