Just updated Rig Manager. Now the Stage is locked on an error screen.

  • Is there any way to 'reset' the Stage? I've tried unplugging it a few times, which has worked in the past. Now, though, when i plug back in, the power is already on and it's already in a boot stage, but it ends in the error screen advising me to photograph the screen and email support (which i've done).

    Just hoping to find a quicker response/solution here....

    I guess i need to create a backup with Rig Manager and then do a factory reset?

    This is the kind of thing that keeps me interested in products like the new UA 'amp' series. If i were in a professional/gig situation right now, oh. my. god.

  • Just got an email from Kemper Support, with a simple, one-button reset instruction which seems to have resolved my problem.

    [Power up holding the RIG button.]

    I can't delete the thread/original post, so i'm just including this update in case anyone else experiences this.