Are the Kemper folks working on an "Editor"?

  • The Kemper is very intuitive. But I want a editor to not abuse Kemper buttons. I have a fear that the checks fail, after so much use. This same fear I had with the Axe-fx.

    I anguish that may appear a failure. :(

    Of course, from a editor management is easier. :D

  • The editing interface of the Kemper works really well for me, so I would not miss a full-featured editor.

    CK used the term "Rig management software", not "editor". That sounds to me like it will be a Librarian (maybe tag editing will be an included feature, and MIDI program change assignment)

    That's not the same thing as an editor for all the amp, cab, effects parameters in each Rig.

    So, something like a Librarian will come at some point. From what I have read in this discussion thread, no official notification has been made that an Editor is coming.

    I'm OK with that - I like the user interface on the Kemper. I find it to be intuitive, and very well thought-out.

    I'm only mentioning the difference between Editor and Librarian because it sounds to me like other people have interpreted CK's sentence to say there is a plan for an Editor.

    I don't want people to be disappointed with an Editor - I'm really looking forward to it.

  • I'm also waiting for a nice librarian solution for the KPA.
    If I had the file format specs, I would even try to create one on my own.
    But if one is in the works from Kemper and it will be available soon, even better.


    PS: If you need someone for beta testing & bug hunting ... feel free to pick me :D

  • Well it has been over a year since since I bought my KPA. Still no editor/librarian. Kemper has made a rackmount version of the KPA and put a power amp upgrade to the original KPA in that time. Surely a librarian editor would have been easier to devise than the hardware upgrades offered during this time.How many loyal customers have petitioned for a library/editor for the KPA - heaps have! Seems to me selling more of your product is your highest priority. Customer service is a significantly lower one.

  • I see where you're coming from, but it seems to me that you expect Kemper to put what you call "customer service" at the highest priority, while it is only one of the ingredient of a successful firm.
    We should also discuss whether is wise for a company to go on stopping their plans just to satisfy any customers' request. Some request, while popular, just are not on Kemper's line and won't find their way through (for example allowing the KPA to work as an audio device).

    OTOH, Kemper have already changed their development plans to follow customers' requests in at least one occasion.

    I also believe that if you had ever really needed help from them because of any issue, you'd have realized how responsive they are.
    Have you noticed how frequently Eng. Kemper himself pops up on forums, and this after he's "gone home" (typically after midnight)?


  • ... Seems to me selling more of your product is your highest priority. Customer service is a significantly lower one.

    That is a completely baseless and irresponsible statement.

    Just because YOU want something done right away doesn't mean that the majority of the customers have it as their highest priority. Many, many people have stated for over a year that they were waiting for a rackmount version before they would buy a KPA. Many others want the convenience of a built-in power amp. Those are high priorities for many people, obviously.

    An editor would be nice. But to come on a manufacturers forum and publicly slander them by saying customer service is a low priority (when this forum and others are FULL of examples disproving this) is not only ignorant, it's classless.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • That is a completely baseless and irresponsible statement.

    Just because YOU want something done right away doesn't mean that the majority of the customers have it as their highest priority. Many, many people have stated for over a year that they were waiting for a rackmount version before they would buy a KPA. Many others want the convenience of a built-in power amp. Those are high priorities for many people, obviously.

    An editor would be nice. But to come on a manufacturers forum and publicly slander them by saying customer service is a low priority (when this forum and others are FULL of examples disproviniinqug this) is not only ignorant, it's classless.

    It is not just ME that wants the editor/librarian. It has been one, if the the most requested, feature requests on this forum over the last year. We have received little feedback on its progress and even less inquiry by Kemper on what features of the editor/librarian it's users might want. If you call me ignorant, yes I and all the others requesting an editor/librarian have been uninformed and basically ignored. Classless, no, just a bit tired of being ignored (and now abused for speaking my mind). Irresponsible, that's a laugh

  • Here is some misinformation going on. The K-team has stated very clearly that THEY ARE working on a librarian, nobody has said anything about an editor. Setting expectations where no commitment was taken is unfair.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Here is some misinformation going on. The K-team has stated very clearly that THEY ARE working on a librarian, nobody has said anything about an editor. Setting expectations where no commitment was taken is unfair.

    Point taken. If the software is a librarian only, I apologies for implying Kemper had committed to make an editor as well. I'm quite sure that many many users had requested an editor too however. Oh well.

  • The concepts of "many", "all" and "most" is extremely subjective and, believe it or not, dependent on own perception.
    In my personal perception, there seems to be consensus about the idea that an editor is not really necessary, since the KPA is not a space rocket.
    What we really need IMO is a way to manage profiles, change their names and tags, comment them with meaningful text fields, order them, classify them, selectively load and unload them, keep track of them even when their name and all tags have been edited (unique footprint).

    If any editing ability had to be taken into consideration, I'd like to be able to create and modify rigs on my PC, and by this I mean adding and eliminating stomps and FX.
    This way, it would be easy to create different versions of the same rig with different fx and save them with meaningful names in seconds.
    Even if there were no possibility to edit the sound parameters, I'd be content with this.

    But the very ice on the cake for me would be to have the possibility to modify a rig (in the way I just wrote) and immediately be able to listen to it, trying different fx and amps on the fly.
    In order to achieve this, the computer and the KPA should be of course able to interact. Not sure whether this is possible.

    @ rick: different people want different things. Impossible to satisfy everyone. And Kemper is a small group, it takes time to conceive, analyse, design, develop, debug and upgrade things. Last but not least, they prefer to work in silence, and above all have the habit of not announce products when there's no clear timeline set.

    Summing up: not all the things people want, have to - or will - be implemented; for the ones gone into the workflow, it takes time. You will be informed when times are mature.

    I believe no one can say Kemper are taking profit of their customers, and if there have been some issues in the past they have always tried their best to find solutions. But if you find it's impossible for you to bear with this, I'm afraid the only solution left is to sell the unit and look elsewhere. Bashing and complaining (which is something different from asking or expecting) won't be of help, and contributes to create a feeling we generally prefer to stay away from in this forum.

  • Well, I'll just stay away then.

    I don't think anyone's asking you to stay away. We just prefer the civility here, as opposed to some other forums on the web.

    As for me, I was definitely defending Kemper's customer service when you called it substandard. I understand you're frustrated - that's natural. But painting with a broad brush (negatively) about a company that has demonstrably great customer service overall won't be received well at a manufacturer's site. Especially from someone who has thus far participated so little on the site.

    Stick around - learn what you can from the many knowledgeable users here. Share your KPA experiences. We're not looking to exclude anyone.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Access makes an incredible vst based editor for their synths. It makes zero sense why the KPA can't even get a simple piece of standalone software to control the Kemper. Blows my mind that people aren't more angry about this - aren't your thumbs tired of twiddling just to rename? This is 2013 and we're still controlling text like it's the 90s.

  • While we are waiting for them to release a librarian we don't have to use our fingers on the kemper to name our profiles.
    There are already a few kemper software tag/renamers released and a MIDI controller/renamer that we can use.
    Here they are:

  • While we are waiting for them to release a librarian we don't have to use our fingers on the kemper to name our profiles.
    There are already a few kemper software tag/renamers released and a MIDI controller/renamer that we can use.
    Here they are:

    One requires a subscription for the OS X version and I haven't been able to get the Python program to work no matter how many times I've tried.

    None of them are great solutions, though. Why can't I just run a USB cable to the KPA and rename it directly from my computer? The functionality was clearly built into the machine to be developed at a later point, and it's not like its an incredibly hard program to write for a company that's already got their hand in the game.

  • Go look at the editor TC Electronic put out for the G-System. That thing is chock full of bugs that can ruin all of your presets and require a factory reset - hell, even transferring your presets to and from the unit can mess things up, and they haven't shown any interest in fixing it for upwards of three years.

    As much as it sucks to have to wait, I'd rather see CK give us an editor that's guaranteed to work properly.