Recording with the Kemper

  • I’m curious what plugins you all use when running your Kempers into your DAWs. I have been running my main XLR left output, with output setting set to master mono, into a focusrite 8i6 input and setting the input to “line”. That then goes into Reaper.

    My question is what general plugins should I use in the DAW to make it sound as clear as playing live through a PA? Should I add any EQ or low pass/high pass filters for the DAW? The sound I currently get is not as great as plugging headphones directly into the Kemper or running the Kemper into a headrush/FRFR speaker. There’s something I need to do with the DAW to make it sound good. I’m currently using Neural DSP plugins for my guitar tones in the DAW but I feel like the Kemper should beat the neural stuff and I’m just not cleaning up the Kemper signal properly. A lot of bands I like use Kemper in the studio as well and I wish I knew what plugins they used to make the tone so clear and crisp. I mainly play heavy metal, downtuned stuff. Thanks for all your help in advance!

  • "I wish I knew what plugins they used to make the tone so clear and crisp."

    Other than their normal EQ, compression (if required) you can almost guarentee they are not adding any special magic plugins. It's just the people engineering and mixing have learned their craft well. Remember, 9 times out of 10, the guitars are sitting in a mix of drums, bass, keys, vocals etc so it's getting your guitar sounds to work in context. You'll often find that if you could get access to the multi track of your favourite band with your favourite guitar sounds and solo the guitars you would be quite disappointed with the solo sound of the guitars. They work in context and that's the key.

  • As for your first question to what plugins you use into DAW, I use everyone I can. I don't know what the guitar will sound like until it's in the mix. It could sound good by itself and then sound like poop when mixed. So, add (or even delete) whatever you need to. Enough can't be said about reamping. You can do it easy with the Kemper and it will save you hours and hours of tone chasing.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I generally record live full band rehearsals, tracking and or performances with (up to) two Kemper Stages. Acts play original music and hover in the blues, rock and pop genres. For months I could get a good IEM mix for the acts and a not-so-good recorded mix, or vice versa. A giant game of whack-a-mole for a while, and was rather frustrating for all concerned.

    This is where I've settled and I am finally pleased and feel like the Kempers are working to their full potential for me. YMMV :D

    I record both Kempers in Stereo, so I maintain the stereo effects the guitarists have setup, direct to my mixer with Kempers set at -12db out. Each Kemper track in my DAW has a channel strip (I use the Lindell 80 or Scheps Omni. but any of them will do) where I apply light 4:1 compression with a slow recovery. I then EQ each Kemper with a small boost at 7khz, 1.5khz, and 200hz, and high-pass from 60-200hz depending on the act. I bus both Kempers and then apply a light bus compression and a light plate reverb & light room reverb to provide that in the room feel/sound.

    I thought when I got the Kempers I would record them clean without any assistance, and all the wonderful sound in the Kemper would automatically translate easier in the mix. My bad! Once I decide to mix/record each Kemper like a mic'd guitar cab, voila!

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