Prevent accidental overwriting of rig

  • This is a scenario that happened to me more than once :

    - Open Rig Manager with kemper running

    - Fiddle with the actual rig loaded on the profiler

    - Find some settings that i like and want to store as a new rig on the hard drive

    - Hit logical choice "Store Rig in local library"

    => boom, actual rig on hard drive is overwritten with new settings, with no possibility to get it back. (even the undo queue is empty)
    IMHO, what could be better would be to have usual commands of softwares-> "Save As"

  • This....1000000%.

    I like leaving the commercial profiles I've bought "intact", while taking some liberties to tweak them to a given song or situation.

    This is a constant issue that seems could be easily fixed with the commonplace "Save As" option..... you suggest.

  • It’s a shame but I always work with folders.

    All my prfiles are stored in folders . I then make subfolders to organize more and copy them leaving the previous original folder untouched.

    Then if I tweak anything I start by duplicate the rig tweak it and then move it to another folder…

    BUT even with all those painful steps, sometimes if I press store in profiler, it duplicate one random rig or replace it 😤.

    I have to close rm and restart the Stage to get back the previous rig.