Effect copy/paste in Rig Manager

  • I'd like to see a feature added where you can right click and copy an effect in a profile or performance and then paste it into a different performance or profile with the settings of the copied effect in tact. You can do this in the profiler stage with a series of buttons but it would be really nice to be able to do this in Rig Manager. It would allow you to reuse a specific effect setting without having to write it down and reconfigure settings each time you use it.

  • I agree that a simple copy and paste workflow would be a nice addition but Kemper don’t seem to like this approach and have implemented an alternative which will work. It’s a bit more cumbersome but it does work.

    Firstly, while in the rig with the effect you want to copy, select the Presets window from the sidebar on the left. Next drag and drop the desired effect in to the Presets window. You have now created a preset which can be dragged and dropped into any slot in any rig whenever needed.. Now rename the Preset so that you will know what it is when trying to find it in future.

    Now load a new rig which you want to add the effect to. Next open the Presets window again. Finally drag and drop you preset wherever you want to place it.

    One way to make all of this a little less clumsy is to have to instances of Rig Manager open and drag and drop between them. This saves the need to jump back and forward between Rigs and Presets.

    I personally dislike this workflow and would prefer a simple copy and paste but I can also see the logic in it and understand why Kemper want to work this way.