Clipping with spring reverb

  • Hi everyone,

    i have been playing lately with the spring reverb to get surf sounds. I ended with a tone i like, with some parameters pushed but there is always a tad of clipping in the result.
    Now, i'm a trying to learn a song that require to use the bridge pickup on my strat (it was the middle till there), and the clipping is unbearable.
    I'm using pretty extreme settings on the surf reverb
    Mix 85% Decay Time 3,2s Dripstone +5 Spring size 8.6
    All the other valus are relatively stock.
    I have tried many countermeasures to adresse the problem : decreasing the mix, putting a parametric EQ at 3khz before or after the reverb, putting a high cut on the spring reverb, decreasing my guitar volume, decreasing the rig volume. All of these gives me so so results, either the clipping is not reduced enough or the tone loose all his sparkle.

    For now the best solution i have come with is to reduce the input sense.

    It's currently set at +6db globally. I don't get any clipping without the reverb, i get sometimes small orange flickering when digging very high.
    When adding the reverb, i get the clipping demonstrated in the first clip.
    WIth clean sens at -6db (minus six), the problem is really tamed (albeit still there when digging very hard), but it can't be a solution to fiddle with the clean sens just for one sound (is it even possible to change the clean sens only for one rig without using a performance ?)

    What could i do

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    ps: i have also tried a "pure booster" before the reverb, but the volume reduction only goes to -5db which is not quite enough.

  • Hi,

    Where have you placed the reverb in your fx chain? Is it pre-amp block (ooo look, there’s my tag!) or post-amp block? If it’s before the amp, could you just be driving the amp a bit hard and causing the profile to clip?
    If you have a delay slot open and your reverb is in its usual place after the amp, then have a look at the delay + reverb balance, it’s really well described in the main manual. It controls the routing of said Fx, perhaps that is causing a volume bump somehow?
    Maybe you just need to reduce the mix a bit, 85% is quite wet for a reverb especially as you’ve added lots of drip stone etc.

    Is it the same if you change the amp for another or does it stay the same?
    Have a look in the Amp block and see if tweaking the cabinet high and low sensitivity helps.
    Equally, there is a compressor setting in the amp block that might help even things out especially if the reverb comes before the amp.
    Then there is the Definition and Clarity controls in the amp block which might also help out a bit to enable you to turn down the amp output volume but compensate the tone to keep the sparkle. These Amp block settings might be a good place to start and see if you can exercise the desired improvement with the minimum tweaking.
    I’d take that Eq out first and try with your original sound and see how close I can get. Definition and clarity first I think.
    It could just be a sonic spike or build up of a certain frequency that can be tamed without the eq.
    One final thought, just check you haven’t got parallel path activated or the direct mix turned up in the amp, perhaps there’s more in your signal at output than you need.
    I hope this has been some help.
    Let us know how you get on.



  • Hi Pre-Amp, thank you for taking the time to help me :love:

    The reverb is placed post-amp. I was intially using it pre-amp (with same issues) but wanted to try it in stereo. Since it seems better in stereo and since my amp is pretty clean, it's not less authentic so.
    I have tried to lessen the mix but even at very small value the cliping was still there.

    I have tried per you recommandation to try a different amp, i switched the princeton profile for a deluxe reverb profile, and the clipping is less apparent... Althought the DR seems louder, i guess its frequency content is different (darker) and so it clips less.
    What i ended-up doing with the Princeton was using a pure boost at -5db before the reverb, and removing -1db in the amp block which seems enough to tame the problem.
    Again, thank you for your help.