​​​关于Rig Manager在Windows 10下,一直闪退问题寻求解决

  • 我的Rig Manager 10 下,一直退,试试,从重新安装;Rig Manager,都无法在 Windows 重新打开重新打开下载预装几天的状态几秒就可以了,相隔试试,都一样,无法正常使用了。请求官方和大神的帮助,拜托!先谢过了!:thumbup::!:

  • Under my Rig Manager 10, I have been withdrawing, trying, and reinstalling; Rig Manager, I can't reopen it in Windows and reopen it to download the pre-installed state for a few days. used. Ask for the help of the official and the great gods, please! Thanks in advance!