Kemper Stage & Expression Pedal Question

  • I have just bought a Kemper Stage and a Dunlop DVP3 Volume X expression pedal. I generally play small gigs where only the vocals go through the PA so am using a clean amp for stage volume. My question is this: do I really need two expression pedals? I would prefer to have just the one on my board. Mostly I will be just using it for volume, but occasionally may use it for wah and morph, but not at the same time as volume. I would like to cut down on board size and expense. Any advice appreciated. Thanks

  • Some pedal functions can be combined.

    You could for example have a WahPedal, which does Volume Pedal while no wah effect is present or active.

    Or you could have a Morph Pedal, which does also Wah Pedal. You either set up parameters for Morphing or you add a wah effect in a Rig. The pedal does whatever is present.

    Morph Pedal and Volume Pedal cannot be combined as this would create logical conflicts. However, depending on what you are planning to do with volume control, a Morph Pedal could for example be set up to morph Rig Volume occasionally.

    I suggest, you read the chapter in the MAin MAnual related to expression pedals, which explains the options and trade offs you have to make.

  • Wah/Vol can be done with 1 pedal, for Morph you need an additional one. In order to avoid 2 exp pedals I morph using the Rig Switches (by pressing an already active Rig, it goes to the Morph status)

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better