
  • 大家好,我是一名来自中国的KPS新用户,第一次使用KPS,出现了下面的问题,希望能得到大家的帮助。

    今天晚上,乐队排练,我的KPS开机后一直停留在“KEMPER PROFILER”界面,再也进入不了操作界面。

    使用“SYSTEM+1按钮”进入RECOVERY里面的“Init&Factory Content”还是不行。


  • Hey there - the consensus is to use English here at the forum (except in the local language areas), so if you expect any answers, I suggest you write your post in English.

    If you can't write English, maybe using a translation engine is an option.



  • Translate:


    Hello everyone, I am a new KPS user from China, using KPS for the first time, the following problems appeared, I hope to get your help. TONIGHT, THE BAND REHEARSED, AND MY KPS STAYED ON THE "KEMPER PROFILER" INTERFACE AFTER BOOTING UP, NEVER TO ENTER THE OPERATION INTERFACE AGAIN. Using the "SYSTEM+1 button" to enter "Init & Factory Content" in RECOVERY still does not work. I don't speak English well, I can only communicate with you this way, I'm really sorry, thank you

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.