Using MIDI NRPN: does the order of MSB/LSB matter?

  • I have a question that is probably not specific to the Kemper, but I can't seem to find an answer elsewhere.

    I use NRPN messages to control the Looper in a couple of songs. The correct way to send them, according to the Kemper MIDI Parameter Documentation and common MIDI practice, is as follows:

    CC99 (MSB/address page) 125 (for Looper)

    CC98 (LSB/address number) 88-94 (varies with intended function)

    CC06 (MSB of value) 0

    CC38 (LSB of value) 1 (to simulate button press) or 0 (to simulate button release)

    I have entered these four messages in the correct order (at the same timestamp), but I have noticed that my MIDI editor displays CC98 before CC99:

    Since they are on the same timestamp, both messages are "simultaneous", but presumably CC98 is sent before CC99 in the MIDI stream, as displayed. Is this a problem?

    Note that the MIDI file does work: I've used it like this in countless rehearsals and shows, and the Looper does exactly what it should. But I wonder if this simply "luck", perhaps due to the fact that I'm only ever addressing page 125, so this stays the same for subsequent messages.

    So, my question is: does the order of MSB/LSB matter if they are on the same MIDI timestamp?