using Kemper Powered Head live: Main outs to FOH and Speaker out to Guitar Cab issues:

  • I usually use my Kemper at my home studio, so was wondering if anyone could help me with the settings that would let me do what is in the title.

    I know from a while back that on my Kemper, the power amp was off, so i had to first go into the output settings to make sure it was on.

    Im now trying to set up my guitarists Kemper and the output menu has drastically changed. there is now "Livew/ Guitar cab" as a choice in output,

    but not sure if the power amp is on or off. I think the menus have changed.

    Is anyone running a Kemper and using the Main XLR to FOH at say -12db, then taking a Speaker out to a guitar cab "and somehow turn off cab sim on that"

    and of course, there used to be a setting that would let me set the master volume to only control his Guitar cab volume from the speaker out. That way he won't mess with

    the sound guys level.

    I read the manual again, but i am seeing different things on the screen now. I believe the settings may have changed when the software/firmware updated to the latest.

  • The soft button labeled "Monitor Cab Off” in the Output Section will bypass the Cabinet PROFILE for the MONITOR OUTPUT, as well as for the built-in power amp of PowerHead and PowerRack.

    Within the Output Section you can find individual volumes for different physical outputs.

    When you press the correspondent "Link” soft button in "Output Volumes” or "Output AddOns”, you can link, or unlink, the respective volume to the MASTER VOLUME knob.


  • I have a power rack and run that config - guitar cab and direct to the PA.

    It sounds like you have done the main things:

    1) -12db pad

    2) Unlink the volumes

    3) Monitor cab is only for the speaker and monitor output. For main output you still get the guitar cab included in the profile

    I haven't touched the power amp setting on mine for ages so not aware that its changed. I thought it was still a page on the output menu with power amp boost and on/off soft button??

  • This basic setup is explained in the Quick Start manual that comes with the product.

    In the Output Settings some items were added over the years e.g. Aux In, Output Filters and Kemper Kone. However Power Amp on/off is still at the last page of Output Settings (PowerHead and PowerRack only).

    What you are referring to as "Live w/ Guitar Cab" is one of the example output presets, that come with the product. The user is free to delete those and create own output presets a required.

  • Not sure how to unlink the volumes.

    I could be wrong but was thinking to send an XLR main out to soundguy and speaker out to a marshall cab. I found setting to turn power anp on. And found on very last page as stated. Need to get this working. Now searching for unlinking volume.

  • Not sure how to unlink the volumes.

    I could be wrong but was thinking to send an XLR main out to soundguy and speaker out to a marshall cab. I found setting to turn power anp on. And found on very last page as stated. Need to get this working. Now searching for unlinking volume.

    Correct. Unlinking the volumes means you can change your volume through your cab but keep the signal/volume the same going to FOH.

    Works brilliantly.

  • Thank you for pointing me to the correct file. No wonder I did not see it. I downloaded the wrong manual.

    I needed 8.5 as stated above. Thank you for that.

    I set the output of Main to -12db. In the "Output Volumes" section, i have only one checkbox checked "Monitor Out Link"

    Is this the correct way to set it? Is Monitor Out and Speaker out the same thing?

    thank you all for your help. My vision is not the best anymore.

    I am thinking of using the other Kemper for Bass. I am sure i could profile some good bass amps.

    There may even be many floating out there already.

  • Is this the correct way to set it? Is Monitor Out and Speaker out the same thing?


    I am thinking of using the other Kemper for Bass. I am sure i could profile some good bass amps.

    There may even be many floating out there already.

    There are tons of great bass profiles out there. If you browse on the KPA itself you can actually filter for bass rigs. If you are using RM there is a bass folder in the factory content. For non factory bass content try filtering using the instrument column for ‘bass”.

    I tried both the Speaker Out and the Monitor Out, but no volume at all. Checking my cables to be sure they are all good.

    Is the power amp turned on? There is an on?off checkbox near the end of the Output Menu pages.

  • I tried both the Speaker Out and the Monitor Out, but no volume at all. Checking my cables to be sure they are all good.

    check the output source settings for the monitor output. The factory default value is Master Mono. Also, check the actual level of the monitor output. The factory default value is -12dB. Anything that you set for the monitor output will also affect the speaker output.