Store Button Gone

  • I use RM on my Windows 10 laptop. When it is connected to the Stage, the view is cut off at the bottom, in the end of the Kemper logo, and the save button below is gone (since one of the recent updates).

  • See this thread...

    RM on Laptop

    Hi !

    I'd like to ask here again the solution because neither on the thread mentioned by BayouTexan nor on other threads talking about this exact same problem in the past I found the solution. (or it's me...?)

    In one of the posts someone suggested to try to redimention the editor subwindow by dragging the separation between upper and lower sub windows. I tried it and what it does in my case is that during a brief fraction of second the bottom bar re-appears while dragging. And it seems it does it only when I increase the size of the editor window, not when doing the opposite.

    I'm currently running the latest bêta version () on a laptop with Win11, but maybe it was already the case before the update, I was rarely using RM until now so I maybe just didn't notice. Last thing, I can remember It already happened to me long time ago, and it was fixed but I can't remember how (maybe alone with an update).

  • I opened a ticket on this 5 months ago. A few months after that, I requested an update and they said they recognize there is a problem and that it would be fixed in a future update. They did not give a date.

  • Just a thought but would a workaround be to store on the actual unit. I realise that it would be ideal to have the button back but it’s should be a practical solution for now?

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • Yes, that is a workaround, and that is what I do, but this bug messes up more than just the lack of a store button. All the windows inside rig manager can be effected. Just yesterday, for example, I wanted to audition rigs from a rig pack, and I kept having to restart RM because I couldn't see the inspector window (the list window was scrunching it up). It's a real pain.

  • If your Windows scaling is set other than 100% the problem is probably scaling as DigitalBliss described in the RM on Laptop thread linked above.

    Some software can have problems with relative repositioning of controls, like the buttons being off screen in this case when the scaling is changed. As a workaround until Kemper can find their solution to the problem, maybe setting your Windows scaling to 100% (at least while using Rig Manager) can work for you. If not, you might try just changing to a different scaling value to see if it helps (like 125% instead of 150% and so on).

    In Windows this is under Settings then System, then Display.

  • don't know... For sure, I just changed the scaling value which was set to 150%(recommended). I tried all the values available with no success, but I didn't touch the screen resolution, which was the same since ever (si I guess it's the right one, since RM worked without the bug before)