Need Help With Spdif please

  • For reasons that I will not go into, I had to yank the power cord out, to shut down my Kemper Stage quickly.

    Before that, the spdif out of the Kemper worked great as a master clock for my Focusrite 6I6 and I got perfect audio from it via the spdif out.

    After the incident, the spdif from the Kemper no longer locks in the Focusrite settings. In other words, the Kemper will no longer be the master clock because the Focusrite says it is not locked.

    Under output settings on the Kemper, I have spdif output set to master stereo, "spdif out link" on and set to auto. Setting it to internal instead of auto does not change the lack of lock. The sample rate is set to 48hkz on both devices.

    The coaxial cable is firmly connected to the spdif out and to the spdif in on my sound card.

    I am at a loss as to why it is not working. I thought that setting it to auto would make the Kemper a master clock source.
    Is there some setting or settings that additionally need to be set to make the Kemper a locking master clock for the Focusrite?

    Thank you for any solutions that end up working.

  • I have ordered a new Coaxial cable in case that somehow is the problem. If that or anything else works, I will report back. I read that someone else with this problem fixed it with a factory reset of the Kemper. I am loathe to do that but will try it if I do not get any more suggestions here.

  • If you yanked the cord out on the kemper and it was not connected to the focusrite then you can be sure the problem is with the kemper (maybe a reset will fix that). but if they were connected maybe something happened to the focusrite. My interface started loosing the clock from the kemper and it would kill the sound and come back on when it locked again. Eventually wouldn't lock anymore and I tried different 3 foot s/pdif 75ohm cables nothing worked. I still have my old interface just in case lol.

  • So I got the second cable, switched to auto and no dice. Then I checked to see if just the tuner worked (should have thought of that sooner) and it is not getting any signal. So, I am going to do a full factory reset. If that doesn't work, this thing is bricked. I will report back.

  • I can't believe this but just about 10 minutes ago I was recording and the sound went out again S/pdif clock light started flashing and then became solid again showing the same symptoms as my last interface. I find it hard to believe that both interfaces are faulty. I'm going to change the S/pdif to internal on the interface and make Kemper the slave. It doesn't happen very often but it still sucks.

  • Sorry to hear that Tony. I hope it is just a single glitch or the cable.

    Did the full factory reset and the device is not receiving or sending any signal, digital or analog. Except it talks to rig manager via USB lol. Tested with many different cables and different guitars. So I am awaiting contact from the service center in Colorado. I will write here how that goes but I imagine it will take awhile.

  • Update: So I sent the unit to Colorado to get fixed. Shipping and labor was free but I paid 300 something in parts. The board was fried and had to be replaced. It is now back and working perfectly. It is synced to my Focusrite.

    Kemper customer service is excellent and the repair people were very professional. I am quite happy to be back in action.