Volume difference with Cab driver/Cabinet.

  • Wonder if anyone else may notice this issue I've perceived. It may just be something I'm not catching leveling in a low volume environment:

    Using the main outs and studio monitors and double checked by recording/listening I leveled up a couple performances so that they work perfectly in a mix. I can just switch to any of the 10 and it will sit just right and all blend together with drums & bass. When I plug into a cab through monitor out/ toaster power some of the profiles seem way louder/softer monitored through the "live" cab. I'm afraid that if I change volumes per the cab output/ "amp in the room" like I normally would before going direct, that the mains outs will become irregular volume then. I wonder if it is just my perception or if the profiles change volume differently when cab driver is used. That would be the only thing that changed. Say if I perfectly leveled 2 profiles one using a greenback cab to one that used a V30 and then when cabdriver replaces them they become very different in volume. That would put me in a bind as you can't have different levels for each profile going out the mains vs monitor without changing the overall levels of mains/monitor out. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon?

  • me.. really intrested in this topic too.

    (Looks like a rabbit hole to me)

    First I would add that the overall volume I'm playing, would lead me to 'fine' adjust levels between different rigs.

    I mean if I simply go from kpa into PA mixer, I'd change rig's level/volume depending how loud the PA is actually pushing the whole mix (my guitar+everything else)

    Second, beside loudness general level, I'm not sure the 'so called' kpa's cab driver is directly involved in what You said.

    I mean I usually play My rigs, (Merged profiles tecnically speaking) where kpa has been carefully informed what the DA profile is, and what the cab+mic is. So I woudnt point the cab driver.

    I'd say that if I use the kpa with a real cabinet (monitor out, cab off) in a live/rehers situatiuon, the real cab speaker (model and size of course) becomes a crucial part of the sound perceived in the room.

    Even in this scenario I'd change something about ( general monitor's EQ and) level of those same rigs mentioned before.

    I Notice that if I use a i.e. 4x12 I'd tweak profiles in a different way depending if it loads 12-75 T or V30.

    Of course I would also change the level/ balance between, let s say, Cleans and Dirty Rigs.

    in the end I GUESS you can not have the Prefect balance in ANY possible scenario.

    You must choose what Must be perfect and what you have to acomodate with.