Should I Update...?

  • Hey there,

    I am working fora Band since last year and taken everything over from another tech...

    The Bass Player uses a kemper but the Version its running on is from 2018... I would like to Update it but I am afraid of loosing or damading the prests... Even tough I backuped them I am afraid they wont work any more..

    Also we are using a timecode for the Show with MIDI commands to switch Sounds and it would be a pain in the a** to reprogram that...

    What are your toughts about this? Leave it as it is, or can I Update it with out any worries?


  • Download the latest update and check out the changes since your unit's current version that are listed in the Addendum.pdf. If there's nothing there that is required by your bass player, there may not be a solid reason to update.

    On the other hand, if you have any kind of problem with the unit in the future, you may be expected to update the firmware to the latest version by support. Also, you may be required to update the firmware to be able to use the latest versions of the Rig Manager software on different platforms.

    If the current OS is from 2018, you will have to install two updates to get it up to date. As per the instructions:

    If current OS installed is older than 7.3.2, install 7.3.2 first.

    For what it's worth, I have a kemper since 2013, and have profiles on it from around that time that still work. I've also updated the firmware at least a dozen times without any damage to existing profiles. I consider installing via USB the safest option, since you don't have to worry about the connection to your computer going down during the process, for whatever reason.

  • I'm on the fence on this one. I love to have all my stuff at the most recent update. However, if the bassist has been using a system for 5 years with no hiccups then what reason is there to change? Let the bassist decide when he wants to upgrade if at all. A tech should not be messing with the artists equipment anyway without permission.

    If the bassist is ready to update then you are good to go.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • The only thing to look out for is any global settings that might default to something else when updated. Might not hurt to take a glance. I wanna say the pure cab setting defaulted to something else one time I updated, but years ago. But otherwise you’ll be fine.

  • Alright guys, thank you all for the answers! I will wait with the Update for after the Tour... So I'll have some time to clean things up If anything goes wrong!

    (I have another question regarding this kemper but for that i will create another topic)

  • Sooner or later you will not be able to avoid an update.
    Should the device fail and need to be replaced, or use a loaner device, e.g. At a festival you have to "update" quickly.

    Ultimately, the decision rests with the owner of the device.

    However, if you as a technician are responsible for availability and stability,

    I would always insist on a replacement device.

    In our band we always have spare parts for almost everything. Guitar / Bass / In-ear and through the use of digital technology such as the Kemper amp, we need less technology overall.

    Technically an update is not a thing.

    Create a backup, update (preferably via USB stick) restore backup.

    That's it.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Thanks Yoda!

    Thaks exactly what we do! We have a Rental kemper as Backup now on Tour... Back at home we have our own spare kemper.

    Like I said, I will Do the Update after this Tour, before the summer Festivals...

    I think that's the right call.

    I have had my Kemper for over 8 years now and always updated. I have had very few problems after an update so its pretty stable and rarely will things change as a result - but they do sometimes so both a backup and doing it off tour is the best solution!