DLY+REV Routing question

  • I have had my profiler for quite a while and have been using serial FX for delay and reverb, I knew there was a way to make them parallel, I just never really bothered, being happy with what I was getting. (That's how my effects always worked live in the past so it's familiar) I was messing with some sounds and FX on my mixer and noticed I liked the sounds I was getting there using reverb and short delay because they were parallel and the short delay wasn't hitting the reverb again. To mimic that I'd have to use parallel FX. I see that the routing control is in rig settings. Let's say I want to make an entire performance or performances all have the same routing . Is there a way to "lock" the routing and save within the slots like a normal lock function or do you have to go to each rig and set and save the routing? I really like that you can easily do a parallel/serial hybrid as well as use it for different FX in those slots, it opens up some cool routing choices that are explained in the manual. The short delay into reverb is so much more defined and cleaner when just a little of it feeds the reverb and the few repeats stay "drier".

  • The parameter "DLY+REV Routing" in Rig Settings can not be locked.

    If this parameter set to 0, the signal path is completely serial. At -100% it's completely parallel. And at +100% only the delay tails (wet portion( get reverberated. And since this is a continuous parameter you can play with anything in between.

  • If this parameter set to 0, the signal path is completely serial. At -100% it's completely parallel. And at +100% only the delay tails (wet portion( get reverberated. And since this is a continuous parameter you can play with anything in between.

    And you can put other effects in there with wet/dry and take advantage of the customized routing for those two slots. I read the manual pretty well on the routing function and it was easy to understand but I wanted to find the easiest way to copy a setting to multiple rigs/performances. I'll just have to do them one at a time, won't take long in RM where I can edit 5 at a time and save the performance as a whole. Right now I favor the Rev/delay routing about 8-9:00 where just a bit of it goes through the reverb.