Midi controller change assigns

  • This function seems to be missing in the KPA.

    The possible to assign any CC number to any effect and set the active range for the source (Midi pedal) and target (KPA) on a patch basis, i have this on my Boss GT-pro (and VF-1) and for me its pretty much a must if am to get a KPA. Im pretty sure all the Boss GT´s have this function and probably many similar units.

    I think its invaluable for getting a good control of effects.

    With active range you can for example switch on/off the wah pedal with the same expression pedal you are using to control and also switching on/off several effects simultaneously using only one CC number from the midi pedal. These assigns are per patch also which mean the same CC numbers can be used in a different way in another patch.

    The active range settings also helps if your expression pedal isnt very exact and goes out of calibration (and they do), it would suck if the whammy function (if introduced) cant reach the original tuning just because the expression pedal isnt absolutely perfectly calibrated.

  • Well, this has been already asked but once again i quote the request.
    At this moment, with the new CC controls available we absolutely need to have a deeper midi assign function.
    Please let us be able to assign any parameter to a different modifier for each preset.
    This is the only way to have a wider midi control without having thousand euros midi pedalboard.

  • And what about McDonald? :D

    LOL !

    Anyway, i think that this is one of the few things that I miss from the axe fx ultra.
    You could control everything with an average midi pedalboard with a simple cc contro.

    These functions are even present in Boss units that cost 1/3 of the KPA, so you dont have to get something as expensive as a Axe fx.

  • Mhhh... yes, it seems to me this is a context where the trade-off of keeping the unit simple is not worth the lack of versatility. A simple advanced menu page might be created, so that users don't have to have to do with it if they don't want\need.

  • +1 :thumbup:

    I can see why the want to keep it simple. And when they introduce the KFC they want to have similar assignments everywhere, otherwise they get flamed by noobies that set something wrong without having a clue what they did and bitching that they don't get it to work.

    But there could exist ways to open the access to complicated settings for midi nerds without destroying the simple pnp behavior for the ones that want to stay away from complicated stuff.
    Something like an advanced midi page with a advanced midi reset option (to fit again to the KFC) or so.

  • Wait...what exactly are you guys asking for? Most of what the OP is asking for is possible from almost any MIDI controller on the market, you just need to program it. Rather than worrying about shifting CCs to different effects, program your controller to send whatever messages you want. If your expression pedal is constantly going out of calibration, recalibrate it. So many people have issues simply mapping an FCB1010 to the Kemper, I can't imagine the threads if we had dynamic mapping. I don't mean to be rude, but if dynamic CC mapping is the deal breaker between a Boss GT and the Kemper then I'm betting the OP hasn't played a Kemper...

  • Most of what the OP is asking for is possible from almost any MIDI controller on the market, you just need to program it.

    Not really. First, there just aren't all that many MIDI footcontrollers on the market in the first place. Of what's out there, many are limited - one will send CC's but not PC's, another will send PC's but not CC's, and so on. The blind spots can catch you off guard, especially if you have reason to favor a specific controller, e.g. footprint etc.

    CK has already said he's not willing to add this level of programmability to the KPA. But who knows... I didn't think he wanted to do a rackmount KPA either, and here we are.

  • Not really. First, there just aren't all that many MIDI footcontrollers on the market in the first place. Of what's out there, many are limited - one will send CC's but not PC's, another will send PC's but not CC's, and so on. The blind spots can catch you off guard, especially if you have reason to favor a specific controller, e.g. footprint etc.

    CK has already said he's not willing to add this level of programmability to the KPA. But who knows... I didn't think he wanted to do a rackmount KPA either, and here we are.

    Any MIDI controller on the market worth buying will send PC and CC and most will send multiple at the same time.

  • Fair enough, but if you've never bought and struggled with a challenging/disappointing piece of gear, then you are way ahead of me, man.

    I don't understand your response. Do you not research gear before pulling the trigger? I did not mean to insult you, simply that knowing a piece of gear's features prior to purchase is extremely important to me. It seems backwards to buy a challenging piece of gear and then request a different manufacture to make changes to accommodate limitations. I bought the Behringer FCB1010 (used) to pair with the Kemper as it hit my purchase criteria trifecta: affordable, flexible, and easy to replace if it breaks. Its by no means perfect (is anything?) but it works great IMHO. The only controller I'd even consider at this point would be upgrading to one of the newer FAMC Liquid Foot controllers with LCDs at every switch.

  • I don't understand your response. Do you not research gear before pulling the trigger? I did not mean to insult you...

    This is slightly insulting, but that's cool, I get that it's not your intention. Bottom line is, there are a million reasons why you might wind up with a piece of kit in your basement/closet that is less than ideal. Maybe you bought it for a different application years ago and you're trying to repurpose it now. Maybe the ideal piece of kit was too large, too expensive or whatever, so you find yourself trying to make due with what you have. The FCB1010 happens to be a real bargain, but I find it to be rather cumbersome, and I don't like that it requires AC power. I recently (foolishly) sold an FC300 that would have fit the bill, but this too was just way more pedal than I needed - larger and heavier than the KPA itself!

    All of this is beside the point. The fact is that for whatever reason I - and others - have pedals laying around that are basically paperweights, and this needn't be the case. They all shoot numbers out the back, and we simply wish the KPA could respond to those numbers.

    I do see your point about asking a mfr to accomodate limitations - it's a valid point and CK was of a similar mind. But the other angle on the debate - which IMO at least warrants acknowledging - is that this issue could be resolved with some relatively simple tweaks to software, as an alternative to asking people to cart aging hardware out to landfills. Anyway, I don't really have a horse in the race anymore; I've more or less resolved my problem by remapping with a MIDI Solutions Event Processor. But that's no reason to blow off the OP's opinions.

  • There might be ones that want to use additional gear together with the KPA, like external effects, switchers/patchers and so on. Even when you can program the midi foot (wich is pretty anoying on most controllers) you might be unable to use your external gear. Could be a dealbreaker for some, don't you think?

  • This is slightly insulting, but that's cool, I get that it's not your intention. Bottom line is, there are a million reasons why you might wind up with a piece of kit in your basement/closet that is less than ideal. Maybe you bought it for a different application years ago and you're trying to repurpose it now. Maybe the ideal piece of kit was too large, too expensive or whatever, so you find yourself trying to make due with what you have. The FCB1010 happens to be a real bargain, but I find it to be rather cumbersome, and I don't like that it requires AC power. I recently (foolishly) sold an FC300 that would have fit the bill, but this too was just way more pedal than I needed - larger and heavier than the KPA itself!

    All of this is beside the point. The fact is that for whatever reason I - and others - have pedals laying around that are basically paperweights, and this needn't be the case. They all shoot numbers out the back, and we simply wish the KPA could respond to those numbers.

    I do see your point about asking a mfr to accomodate limitations - it's a valid point and CK was of a similar mind. But the other angle on the debate - which IMO at least warrants acknowledging - is that this issue could be resolved with some relatively simple tweaks to software, as an alternative to asking people to cart aging hardware out to landfills. Anyway, I don't really have a horse in the race anymore; I've more or less resolved my problem by remapping with a MIDI Solutions Event Processor. But that's no reason to blow off the OP's opinions.

    Hey man, very, very sorry. I'm not meaning to insult and am all for re-purposing gear. I can see your point. To be honest, I was unaware that there were MIDI controllers on the market which are so limited in functionality. Unless specifically designed such like the Tech 21 stuff.

    There might be ones that want to use additional gear together with the KPA, like external effects, switchers/patchers and so on. Even when you can program the midi foot (wich is pretty anoying on most controllers) you might be unable to use your external gear. Could be a dealbreaker for some, don't you think?

    The FCB (and I thought most modern controllers) allow sending multiple PC and CC changes on different channels to control multiple pieces of gear. Your guy's laments are making me realize what a good choice I made with the FCB1010. I had no idea other MIDI controllers on the market were so limited.

  • Wait...what exactly are you guys asking for? Most of what the OP is asking for is possible from almost any MIDI controller on the market, you just need to program it. Rather than worrying about shifting CCs to different effects, program your controller to send whatever messages you want. If your expression pedal is constantly going out of calibration, recalibrate it. So many people have issues simply mapping an FCB1010 to the Kemper, I can't imagine the threads if we had dynamic mapping. I don't mean to be rude, but if dynamic CC mapping is the deal breaker between a Boss GT and the Kemper then I'm betting the OP hasn't played a Kemper...

    I have no problems in programming the FCB1010, ive had it for years and im using a freeware editor with graphical interface which is nice.

    Unless im wrong since the FCB1010 can only send 2 CC# per pedal and if you want it to send a different CC# for the second press of the pedal for on/off then you can only turn one effect on/off per pedal on the KPA while you can turn on/off up to 12 different effects or change parameters on the GT-pro by just one press of a pedal on the FCB1010 since the GT-pro has 12 different assigns with about 500 different parameters that you can change. Active range can be used for many things, for switching off the wah by just setting the expressionpedal in the toe position, morphing between different sounds/effects. Midi assigns are very powerful.

    Personally i still like my GT-pro very much, the problem with it is actually not the ampsims, its the speaker emulator that is poor, but for direct recording i have just recently bought a nice guitar speaker VST plugin, so for the moment im fine.

    I have heard both good and crappy tones from both the Kemper and Boss units, i think it has alot to do who is doing the tweaking and with the KPA it is more like a real amp and therefore easier.

    I do understand the intention to keep it simple for the user and its a very good intention, but it also may cripple the unit and make people like me not buy it, thats why i agree with the "advanced menu" idea or something like it, maybe with a "set to default" function for the cases where people has gotten lost in the settings.

    I highly doubt that i wil be buying any unit that is lacking in advanced functionality, sure for recording it may be fine, just add effects in the DAW, but for live i want to have good midi control.