TheAmpFactory Metal Producers Pack

  • Greetings!


    I Proudly release the Metal Producers pack. - that hosts some of the finest metal amps to date, From the classic Mesa Rec to a JSX etc. - this pack hosts 7 amps, (Mesa Rec, JSX, Fortin, Krank, 5150, EVH5150, Ubershcall, and captured all with different Mics' and cab configurations, that was quite a complex task! - V30, Custom V30, C90 and G30's
    Main mics used were 57's (x2) 414, and a 121 mix of close (but with no proximity effect, very careful to get rid of that) - and a few far distance ones as I normally would mic things.

    Thanks to Jeff, who helped me giving me a awesome DI so I could pretend to be a metal rock star lol!. - without that I'd be lost (as all you know by now I dont play metal), and thanks for his advise on all things metal in general.

    I did this pack for YOU, as you all asked me for it :) - so I hope you enjoy it, as its been heartbreakingly tough to do! and a lot of hours have been put into capturing the heart and soul of Metal!.

    All Profiles are kept basic, in terms of naming.. its literally a numbers system in this one.- i.e AFM-MESA 2 C1 (C1 = to the cab number, 1 of 3) - most are scooped, with and without a TS in front, also a few solo patches, and other bits and bobs.

    Its available Now!. - So go get a copy! and start Chugggin!


    Please note: - This is a specialty pack. and so I will not sell the profiles separately, and the price is adjusted accordingly.

    P.S Samples for this will be available soon too. (heard that before right?) lol

    All the best

    EDIT: Thinking about it more, the price was too high. So dropped it.

  • Andy,

    Can you go into some more detail on the profiles available in this pack? From the description it sounds like 7 amps with 3 cabinet configurations = 21 profiles. The pricing for seven amps seems aggressive compared to your previous pricing, so there has to be something more than that to make this worth the price you have put on it.

    I just bought 5 profiles last night hoping to get some metal goodness, looks like I should have waited as a couple of those overlap with this package. I wish you had some kind of choose your own profile pack, or maybe buy X get one free. I don't like every amp in the packs, but don't mind dropping coin on enough to fill out my own custom package.

    ...and keep up the good work. I love your profiles.


  • Sure there are about 87 (I think) profiles to this pack.
    So there are about 4 or so variations per cab. 3 cabs each, all different voicing, with amp+Mic placement. - some amps captured with TS, scooped No-TS, Metal-clean - x 7 amps = 87 or all designed for Metal Production, so big sound, and full of growl. its a different approach to profiling a normal amp.. so the pricing is as it is, due to Specialty reasons as it took a long time to produce this, every day for 2 weeks in studio,

    Glad you like the profiles, Well in the AF3 thread its full of talk about this pack :) - and my facebook updates have been constant too. sorry bout that

  • Sure there are about 87 (I think) profiles to this pack.
    So there are about 4 or so variations per cab. 3 cabs each, all different voicing, with amp+Mic placement. - some amps captured with TS, scooped No-TS, Metal-clean - x 7 amps = 87 or all designed for Metal Production, so big sound, and full of growl. its a different approach to profiling a normal amp.. so the pricing is as it is, due to Specialty reasons as it took a long time to produce this, every day for 2 weeks in studio,

    Glad you like the profiles, Well in the AF3 thread its full of talk about this pack :) - and my facebook updates have been constant too. sorry bout that

  • fuck yes. i'm very tempted by this. which Fortin did you end up profiling, the natas?

    Yeah, that seemed the most popular from all that mailed me about this pack. - but the Peavey was highest on the list still. :)
    I did take a lot of photos, (although still not updated them since pack3) - just so busy _really_ and not enough hours in the day sadly. - I will get around to it all though...

    Armin. - im sorry, I dont understand what you are saying? and all I can make out is that its an abusive post.

  • Please make it free - or better pay us for using your profiles ;(

    Thats not the point. :(
    The point is that some people want to test one profile and see if it will work as expected or even like it.
    With all due respect, I bought the MARK V from the Soundside and I'm really glad I hadn't bought the bundle, since for metal I found it was useless. :thumbdown:
    Acctually when I posted 21 profile tests on the Sneap Forum and showed to some friends the MARK V petrucci they all found it a bit bad or unprofessional
    In the other hand, it is one of the best profiles I got for clean sounds. :thumbup:
    For crunchy sounds I have to change the cabs often.
    That being said, I'm a little bit (I really mean little) of buying one complete new profile bundle without testing some profiles before.
    theampfactory profiles never let me down, thought.

  • I'll not hijack this thread - but the MarkV is the combo with the inbuilt speaker - so it will not sound the same as via a 4x12".

    Please the thread about the MarkV and you'll see it's very good useable for D.T. stuff.

    I'll profile the MarkV with a 4x12" in the next time.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I'll not hijack this thread - but the MarkV is the combo with the inbuilt speaker - so it will not sound the same as via a 4x12".

    Please the thread about the MarkV and you'll see it's very good useable for D.T. stuff.

    I'll profile the MarkV with a 4x12" in the next time.

    I don't care. It don't sound good for metal and I'm glad I didn't buy the pack before testing the profiles in a real metal production.
    I read the thread about the Mark V and it's nice to see people liking it.
    But for me it didn't. And I thank god I didn't buy the bundle before buying the MARK V profiles.
    I won't talk about this anymore. I use your profiles for cleans and some crunchy as I said before.
    Useless for a metal production, though. Just by the fact it is about 80% good, and just a rate of 97+% is good enough for the bands (and for me).
    In the end I'm not saying this just to troll, but you pissed me off with your bad comment.

    It's up to And44 to decide if he is going to allow single profiles or not.
    As a consumer I would appreciate to test one profile on my next production.
    I'll probably buy the pack...
    But I would buy it faster if I could buy one profile first, as I did with other packs.

  • Thanks for the answers Andy. I hope it didn't come across in the wrong way. I wasn't looking for anything free, I have bought ten profiles already as singles. I was just wondering what the extra special sauce was in the new profile pack because of the different pricing structure and no singles. I will most likely be buying it soon, but will wait to hear some of the great examples that this community will most likely spit out in the next few days.
