Please make the rig exchange site more organized

  • Hello fellow Kempers

    I dont know if this has been brought up so excuse me if it has. I think that the rig exchange site has to be more organized. If a user upload, let´s say 20 profiles of the same setup, a marshall jcm800 for instance. It should show up as "Marshall Jcm800" with a + sign that expand and collapse it (windows explorer style). When expanded it shows all the profiles of the setup. In that way we don´t have to browse through several pages of the same amp setup that we may not be interested in.

    I have mailed this suggestion to Kemper a couple of times.

    Do you agree on that this would be a useful improvement ? :thumbup::thumbdown: ?


  • Yes and to be able to download the most popular ones too (highest rated)

    about that, keep in mind that the rating feature was added later to the Rig Exchange, meaning: there are plenty of excellent profiles with no votes.
    also, while some profiles are considered to be outstanding by the large majority, other profiles are one man's go-to workhorse and another man's 'good god, what is THAT!?!?! 0 stars!' - just like it is with tube amps.

    so take the ratings with a grain of salt.
    make your own decisions, otherwise you might miss out. ;)

  • i agree with super moderator, there are many gems in there but they may never be heard because they are almost impossible to find without trying out every profile which would take i think it would be a good idea to have a new page, a kemper best of user profiles maybe, profile of the week! moderator recommends ect.......that way users could get some deserved credit for their time and effort.

    Brian Thesnail

  • again,
    beauty (or a great rig) is in the eyes (ears) of the beholder (player/listener).

    instead of approaching the 'dilemma' of almost 2.4k profiles from a collectors standpoint (must have ALL the greatest rigs[Blocked Image:]), a more viable route would be to define what you are looking for first (let's say a great AC30) and then go hunting:

    • check the factory rigs, seriously, sometimes it seems they don't get the recognition they certainly deserve at all
    • didn't find what you where looking for (haha, AC30, get it?), check the rig exchange for applicable keywords and type slowly(!) so you don't miss the suggestions the search engine will make
    • uncheck the 'Cabinets' box
    • download, audition
    • identify alternatives that could also work for you (in this case AC15, Matchless, Morgan) and search for those
    • download, audition
    • make great music

    one more thing about profiles in general: I almost always return a downloaded profile to it's original state (disabling Stomps and Effects), setting Power Sagging, Pick and Compressor on the Amp page to '0', disable the Stack EQ and make sure the Cabinet is in it's default setting (all four parameters @ '0') as well before dismissing a profile. Often, this will give you at least an alternative to the tweaked version.

  • again,
    beauty (or a great rig) is in the eyes (ears) of the beholder (player/listener).

    instead of approaching the 'dilemma' of almost 2.4k profiles from a collectors standpoint (must have ALL the greatest rigs[Blocked Image:]), a more viable route would be to define what you are looking for first (let's say a great AC30) and then go hunting:

    • check the factory rigs, seriously, sometimes it seems they don't get the recognition they certainly deserve at all
    • didn't find what you where looking for (haha, AC30, get it?), check the rig exchange for applicable keywords and type slowly(!) so you don't miss the suggestions the search engine will make
    • uncheck the 'Cabinets' box
    • download, audition
    • identify alternatives that could also work for you (in this case AC15, Matchless, Morgan) and search for those
    • download, audition
    • make great music

    one more thing about profiles in general: I almost always return a downloaded profile to it's original state (disabling Stomps and Effects), setting Power Sagging, Pick and Compressor on the Amp page to '0', disable the Stack EQ and make sure the Cabinet is in it's default setting (all four parameters @ '0') as well before dismissing a profile. Often, this will give you at least an alternative to the tweaked version.

    agree with all of the above.. exactly the way I do it :thumbup:

  • Small question from a newbie:

    I thought I read somewhere on this forum or in the WiKPA that it was not garanteed that putting everything to zero in the stack section would reflect the original profile.

    If putting everything to zero truly reflects the original profiled stack section, it is great.

    I know that the Gain changes from profile to profile based on what the profiler detected.
