Import Time

  • Is there any correlation to how many rigs you have on the KPA, or files on the USB stick that impact the time it takes to import rigs? Currently have about 690 rigs on the KPA.

    I have had my KPA for about 6 weeks now, and when I first got it, the import time was very fast. Within a few seconds. I try to keep my USB stick low on number of files and keep a backup on my computer.
    In the last 2 weeks I have noticed that when I want to import 5 rigs from the exchange, it takes a good 2-3 minutes now to import a small number of files.

    Anyone else having this same setup?
    Are there certain files on the USB that could slow this process down, like backups etc?

  • thanks for the feedback.

    I've been using the same USB stick from day 1 so hoping I can rule that out as a factor.

    I slowly took things off the USB stick, then imported 10 rigs into the KPA. Here are the results.

    1. Remove the new 1.8 beta from the USB stick. I still had that .kaos file on the stick in the OS updates folder. No change.
    2. Remove the backup file that was on the USB stick in the backup folder. No change.
    3. Remove the Rigs folder on the Shared folder of the USB stick. This reduced the time down by 60%. So now I'm back to a pretty quick cycle time.

    I guess the KPA was browsing the Rigs folder to make sure it didn't import the same rig again, etc.


  • If you've got 100 files in the shared folder, and only 5 of them are new Profiles, the Kemper will go through all 100 and only import the 5 new ones...if you just had the 5 new ones things would be a lot quicker.
    Instead of deleting the files in the shared folder, rather format your USB stick again before you do a new import.

  • Instead of deleting the files in the shared folder, rather format your USB stick again before you do a new import.

    8o ..this way you loose all the backups as well. I wouldn't do it....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff