For new Kemper Owners - a time saving suggestion :)

  • Welcome!

    One suggestion that will save you a lot of time, and get you playing the Kemper faster - resist the temptation to download large numbers of profiles all at once :)

    You'll want to download any "must have sounds" that aren't included - go for it! But, it will take some listening time to figure out if the sounds are already in the Kemper, before you'll know if you are missing anything.

    These rigs are like real amps - they respond well to parameter adjustment, so spending a few minutes with a rig that is close to the sound you want may give you faster results than playing more 50 profiles of that amp.

    Even just five minutes of playing and tweaking each of the 400+ profiles that are included would be around 40 hours.

    If you make a backup file before you start auditioning rigs, you can confidently delete any rig that you aren't going to use. It will always be available in your backup file, if you ever need it.

    A five minute listening session with 1000 rigs (the current maximum number of rigs) would take 83 hours, or so. That's an hour a day, for two months and three weeks.

    As of the end of April, 2013, If someone downloaded every available free profile, it would take approximately ten months, at one hour a day, to give each one a five minute audition. :D

  • ........and delete the ones you don't love as you go through them. Save everything on your computer so you have as many amps/rigs as possible, but remove the ones you don't absolutley love on the Kemper as you sample them or in no time you will be over 1000...

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • ........and delete the ones you don't love as you go through them. Save everything on your computer so you have as many amps/rigs as possible, but remove the ones you don't absolutley love on the Kemper as you sample them or in no time you will be over 1000...

    Yes, but be aware. Some of the finest profiles in my opinion come are the Kemper "Stock Profiles". These profiles mostly come without any effects and they are often considerably lower in output. As we all know, loudness gives us the impression of "better". So don't delete these without thoroughly checking them out and may add some effect and adjust the output.

  • ..if I can I would like to add my experience, what works for me.. if some rig does not sound to me excellent I simply try another cabinet.. I´m strongly convinced, I feel that cabinets are the most important in creating the sound.. and if you find some rig that you do not like try to change the cabinet.. I use especially Till´s cabinets and few others that I stored from existing profiles which I like (that "in my situation" works well).. I think that when you try different cabinets it is quite impossible that you do not find at least one that will suit you very well (excellent).. it´s really incredible to observe how sometimes really drastically sound of profiles changes when changing the cabinets..

    I use loop station, loop something and then with my free hands


    I re-amp the sound till I´m satisfied and happy with it.. first of all I change cabinet, when cabinet I like is found I start to tweak.. that´all..

    and I find also veeery useful to try rigs in different situations.. playing on low volume at home, playing in the mix (with backing tracks ecc) and on very loud volume in your rehearsal room.. it´s very interesting how profiles change when changed the environment.. the world of sound is incredible and also very subjective..

    what sounds great to me maybe to someone else will sound horrible and vice versa..


    ps: the other day, while noodling with bass player and drums I was very surprised how good some factory profiles which I considered plain (when playing them alone without bass and drums) sounded excellent!!!!

  • I was asked by the OP to cross post my response from another thread which is more applicable here:


    Already it seems that the amount of options is near infinite and really the variable is not really which profiles sound good but which sound good with the guitar your using and your monitoring situation. I have 2 pairs of headphones, and ALTO TS112A, M-Audio nearfields, and a Tech 21 Power Engine and the same profiles sound radically different when played back through each system even when using the same guitar. Pair that with the fact that may users modify profiles to their specific tonal needs (ex I love the Morgan AC20, but my rig is pretty far from the settings on the rig exchange) and user results will vastly differ. At this point, I think new users should first focus on the archtype amps they're familiar with and honestly start with the factory profiles learning how the different parameters work to alter the tone. With the thousands of free and commercial profiles out there, I'd also recommend listening to as many clips of the real amps as they can find online to determine if the underlying tones might work for them unless they simply want to spend a ton of time auditioning a great many profiles, bloating up their KPA, and eventually hitting the profile limit before having to wipe it clean and start from scratch. I have less than 100 rigs on my box at this point, and really I'm done. Unless I hear about some rather rare amps I've gassed over in the past, I've really got no desire to load another profile onto my box.

  • This is all well and good trying to pass on experiences and helpful hints....but keep in mind that part of getting the new toy is gaining the experience on your own and having fun collecting 1500 rigs on your Kemper and then wondering why it starts up a little slower than it used to. Use the information everyone is providing here but most of all have fun with your Kemper. Learn the methods to easily delete unused rigs and develop or determine the sound you want...then fine tune it as Will mentioned above. Even at 100 rigs you will find you use the ones you love and most of the time it will be 10-20 at that....there are always exceptions.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Learn the methods to easily delete unused rigs and develop or determine the sound you want...then fine tune it as Will mentioned above. Even at 100 rigs you will find you use the ones you love and most of the time it will be 10-20 at that....there are always exceptions.

    Can anyone point me in the direction a good thread that covers this. A good step by step tutorial would be great. I'm still hoping a Librarian for the KPA is on the way.

  • This is all well and good trying to pass on experiences and helpful hints....but keep in mind that part of getting the new toy is gaining the experience on your own and having fun collecting 1500 rigs on your Kemper and then wondering why it starts up a little slower than it used to. Use the information everyone is providing here but most of all have fun with your Kemper. Learn the methods to easily delete unused rigs and develop or determine the sound you want...then fine tune it as Will mentioned above. Even at 100 rigs you will find you use the ones you love and most of the time it will be 10-20 at that....there are always exceptions.

    I really only use 5 rigs on a regular basis, the rest are to have archtype amps at my disposal "just in case".