The Amp Factory Rig Pack II, Pitch Demo Rig Pack, and Legacy Factory Rigs 2012

  • There are two completely new rig packs available for download: The Amp Factory Rig Pack II and Pitch Demo Rig Pack
    Both are also included in firmware 2.0.0. So you can either import these by upgrading to 2.0.0 and pushing the button 'Factory Rigs' in the System menu. Or you can selectively import by downloading and unzipping these rig packs, and copying those rigs, that you want to import into the Shared folder of your USB-stick, and then initiate an Import.

    The pack Legacy Factory Rigs 2012 does include 60 rigs, which are no longer included in firmware 2.0.0. This legacy rig archive might be of interest to users whose Kemper Profiler shipped with firmware 2.0.0 or higher. All others should find these factory rigs already in their Browse pool, unless they have been previously deleted.