Posts by Mongoosiest

    I have to say I'm very excited for this. In my use case, when I want to get into rig manager (and I often do), it's a very laborious process of getting the Kemper near to my PC, getting it wired up and then playing on the PC - spinning back and forth between screen/kemper/speaker. Then taking it all out and moving it back afterwards. This is same issue I have for almost all gear that needs connected to a PC, but it's especially a pain when the pieces of gear are so fully featured that they suit a PC editor - e.g. the HX Effects I use.

    It's actually things like the above that make me think I should really just get a laptop so I can move it to the gear... but now I can hopefully just edit on the iPad!

    I realise I'm probably not like most that already have their gear near their PC, or have a laptop, but for me this will be a very very welcome feature. Imagine also the possible benefits of being able to surface any of the features in any way they wish in the GUI!

    Colour me impressed.

    I’d be interested to hear what cabs people are using if they’re doing this! I tried this today and it’s made some profiles that I considered near unusable sound great.

    It does make the profiles sound quite similar to one another, but of course that’s to be expected.

    The cab I’m using is one called “Magic Cab 2” by M Britt, which I had no idea was there, but I take it it’s just transferred over when I was putting some profiles on? I don’t recall ever adding it myself, but I think it sounds great!