Posts by stuartmckay2

    I tried all the steps but with "return input reamp" and connecting a TS cable from return input to input 1 in my interface, then tried all the output settings, and nothing worked. I am using Ableton, and I'm trying to reamp a DI bass track. I've just been soloing that track and keeping the input/outputs in the DAW the same. What am I missing?

    Any help would be appreciated

    I have Focusrite Scarlette 2i2, and I'm using Ableton. I'm wondering how I can reamp a DI bass track with the Kemper. I am not using SPDIF; I'm using the main outs/ direct monitor to my interface. I've tried changing my input/output to the reamp settings, but I have absolutely no clue how the process works and how to get the signal from Ableton into the Kemper and then back into Ableton.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    I just got the Kemper rack and remote and am looking to use it to record at home. I only have the Focusrite Scarlette Solo 2nd gen, and I'm unsure how to get a stereo signal. MONO is working fine through Monitor Output or by using one of the Main outputs (Left or Right XLR). Do I need to buy a new interface with more inputs? Or is there an adaptor of some sort I can get for the time being which will allow me to get a stereo signal?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
