Posts by MorganBarbarian

    Is it that hard to create a drag and drop function that actually works?

    The rig manager is so glitchy it's barely usable. Not only that but sync glitches between the profiler and manager can delete entire rigs and performances wasting hours.

    Copy paste issues.

    Random crashes.

    More copy paste issues.

    It looks disgusting.

    It's clunky to navigate.

    Seems like every single function was designed to be as unintuitive as is possible.

    Can we get a sane person to overhaul everything about the user interface?

    This is an unpowered KPA.
    the powered one locks like this:

    Oh, thanks. They definitely sent the wrong one.

    You should know what you are buying when spending that amount of money. Make sure the shop sent you the correct profiler. If that one is correct then you need to connect a "powered " cab to monitor out, or connect a solid state amp that is connected to a passive cab on the monitor out.

    Like I mentioned before, read the manual. It's all in there.

    Lol, I knew what I was buying, they sent the wrong one. The problem is the quickstart guide is generic and covers all models, with no diagram of the back. It refers to Speaker OUT/Monitor OUT regarding cabs, so I didn't realise.

    TBF, considering it's unpowered it has got some decent volume through the monitor out 8o

    Many Thanks!

    Hi guys,

    I just got a Profiler POWERRACK, with an Orange PPC412 (4x12 16ohm).

    As per the manual I have connected the monitor output to the cabinet, and have turned off cab sim. It sounds great, but there is no power to it, must be around 100dB.

    I play a 50w 1x10 Mesa Rectifier Combi for practice sometimes and on that I can barely turn the output past 1 without bleeding ears.

    Yes I have turned the monitor output from -12dB to 0dB, and main volume all the way up, it's literally maxed, unless I'm missing some setting.

    Some have mentioned the power amp boost in other threads, but the output menus on the PowerRack does not have it listed, so if it is there I would appreciate a button by button guide.

    If you know how to get it louder please help!