Posts by RiotBadger

    So I have my stage and my powered Kabinet now and starting to try and learn this beast...

    My question is: Can you assign different speaker imprints to different rigs? Or if you select a vintage 30 that's your speaker for all rigs that you use? I'd like to use a Celestion V30 with the marshall amps and a jensen with fender for example. Is this possible?

    (Apologies if this is a stupid question, i'm at the foot of the steep learning curve!)

    How much sonic variety do you go for generally? If you're at the Angus Young end of the spectrum I'd recommend starting with just 1 Performance with 5 Slots and Rigs that have the different amp/gain settings that you want.

    I think to start with I want to build a performance that is a facsimile of what I take out now which, bar a sprinkling of effects, is Clean, Pushed clean, Dirty, Solo (with all the gain to mask the lack of talent) and then work from there.

    Or tubeoholic depending on which side of the Atlantic you're on!

    After many years of playing valve amps way louder than needed for the application/venue and being told off by every sound engineer in the land for having my backline on more than 1 and a half I've taken the plunge and got a Profiler Stage and have a powered Kabinet on the way.

    Up until now I've been a massive contradiction in terms when it comes to technology: Outside of music i've been an early adopter of a lot of digital technologies and I wor in an industry that thrives on networking and technical expertise. Inside music however i've been suspicious about any technology that isn't rooted in stuff designed in the 50s and 60s.

    I'm now playing smaller venues with different challenges every night set up wise so i'm hoping the Stage can help me achieve harmony with my bandmates by having the goldilocks level of onstage monitoring and a good in-ear mix without loads of bleed from whatever fire breathing beast i'd chosen to take out that night.

    I've not played with the stage very much since getting it and i'm nowhere near comfortable taking it out to a show but i'm hoping when the kabinet arrives i'll have more time to play.

    Does anyone have any tips for someone starting from scratch other than RTFM? I am reading it but it feels like a whitepaper rather than a user manual. 8o