Posts by timo

    No, I‘m sorry. System requirements for Rig Manager on macOS: macOS® version 10.14 Mojave or higher

    By the way this example is outdated because Adresspage 75 no longer exists since KAOS Version 6 but Kemper still publish examples that can't work

    I've updated the documentation a while ago - maybe it didn't find its way to the download section... I'll check next year...

    A MIDI controller is defined by an index and a value. Index and value have a range of 0 to 127 (7 bit, 2 to the power of 7).

    Example: Set controller 7 to 127 will set the "Volume" to maximum (because 7 is assigned to Volume by the MIDI standard).

    Sometimes you wish to have more controllers and a finer control of the value. In this case you use NRPN:

    instead of 7 bits you now use 14 bits with a range of 0 to 16383 (2 to the power of 14).

    To be able to communicate this to the device you can use "NRPN" (Non Registered Parameter Number).

    Since a controller can usually transport 7bits, you just use 2 controllers to communicate 2x7=14 bits. Just split the 14 bit into 2x7 bit and use the 7 bit controllers to send them to the device:

    To address the 14 bit index controller number, you send Controller 99 with value of the "higher" 7 bits of the index and Controller 98 with value "lower"
    To address the 14 bit value, you send Controller 6 with value of the "higher" 7 bits of the value and Controller 38 with the "lower" 7 bits.

    The Profiler accepts the value change when Controller 38 arrives, so make sure you've send Controller 6 before.

    I just got the unit and loaded up the editor but man I am so lost. I try to watch everything available but I can't get a basic understanding, how is everyone figuring this puppy out so fast? I am going to have to print the entire manual as I just cannot see how to do a bunch of things. This is not easy. The sounds on what little I have managed to hear are really incredible but I fear it will be months before I have a confident level of proficiency to really program it and understand things. For one my name for the owner got messed up when the Rig Manager connected to the Stage and I cannot seem to alter it. I have it corrected on the Stage but the Rig Manager will not let me change it (or where one does that). I tried uninstalling the RIg Manager software and a factory reset but can't seem to fix it.

    For editing the Owner name: Press [SYSTEM] and on the very first page, you can press ["Edit Owner"] on Softknob 1.

    And take your time and watch the videos, the possibilities can be a bit overwhelming.

    Der „Audiotreiber“ ist der Windows-Treiber, den Windows immer benutzt, wenn es ein normales USB Audio-Interface findet. Es ist der identische Treiber für alle USB Audio-Interfaces, die Standard-Interfaces sind. Der Treiber ist also schon auf deinem System.

    Der „Treiber“ für den Rig Manager ist nur eine kleine Textdatei, der Windows anweist, den Standard-USB-Treiber zu benutzen, der ebenfalls von Microsoft kommt und über den Rig Manager dann kommuniziert. Auch dieser befindet sich bereits auf deinem System.

    Es gibt also praktisch nichts, was die Installation des Rig Managers dem System hinzufügt, was man jetzt groß entfernen müsste oder könnte.

    Ich habe einen Slot in Bank 1 aktiv und brauche im Songverlauf einen Sound in Bank 4.

    Ich taste 3-mal in kürzer Frequenz "hoch" und die Bank 4 wird angewählt ... aber mit einer unbrauchbaren

    Zeitverzögerung von 4 sec :(

    Die Idee ist eigentlich, dass du 1 Performance pro Song machst. Dann ist die Umschaltung extrem schnell.

    Für den Song die richtige Performance wählen, dann während des Songs zwischen den Slots wechseln.

    Wenn ein Rig in mehreren Songs vorkommt, dann kopierst du ihn einfach in die jeweiligen Performances rein.

    RM syncs all Rigs in the Rig Exchange and keeps them on the computer. The sync time depends on many rigs need to be downloaded. If you turn RE off, the current state remains on your computer.

    Das ist der aktuelle Release 8.7.20. Der Fix ist der einzige Unterschied zur 8.7.17.

    Es klingt zumindest danach, dass es der Fehler ist.

    8.7.20 fixt einen entsprechenden Bug.

    MacOS 10.13.6 is officially end-of-life since 2018, apart from a few security updates in 2020.

    There is not much we can do about it, since newer XCode versions actively drop support for old platforms, so we can't even properly build software for 10.13.6 anymore.

    OK - so the Profiler should update to OS9 first and then RM will suggest 3.4.28. When I did that last night, the Profiler updated fine. RM would tell me of a software mismatch and then crash any time I clicked check for updates.

    I'm on an old Mac - do the system requirements change at all for RM 3.4.28?

    check the „beta“ option in the preferences, then RM 3.4 will be offered to install. After that, RM 3.4 will offer to install 9.0.0.

    The minimum MacOS version is now 10.14.

    The Profiler Remote is automatically updated right after connect, but only if necessary.

    In fact, the Remote firmware hadn't had an update for a while, therefore - depends from which version you updated the Profiler from - it might just not needed an update.