Posts by MixMinisterMike

    I don't use a MAC. Can someone help me out with something that seems to be missing in this GUI -- which is some sort of menu bar at the top of screen (e.g. File, Edit, Tools, Help, etc.), Does the MAC OS have a drop drown menu that only appears when you move the cursor up to the top of the screen, or something like that? Otherwise, I don't see an obvious way to do something as simple as "Save" a new preset. Of course, I realize everything will be revealed shortly...but I am just wondering if I am missing something that is specific to a MAC OS.

    Yes, Mac OS allows you to put applications in full screen mode, hiding the window "chrome" and the menu bar - which both appear if you move the mouse to the top of the screen.

    I love my Powercab+. I sold my ASM-12 - it was too big/heavy/awkward. I'm pretty sure the Powercab is louder too.

    I recomend you try some Merged or Direct profiles with the onboard speaker models. I particularly like the Creamback with Marshalls and the Essex sounds GREAT for Vox tones. I find it's very much the "last mile" for amp-in-the-room.

    Funny - I had purchased a demo Kemper rack from them about two months back - and the ground lift button was broken off in the box. I taped it to the top of the unit and they shipped me out a new unit.

    Sweet water does treat customers better than the other huge music retailers. But make no mistake - they are now the big kid on the block and it will be interesting to see how they continue to exert their pressure on the industry. I know my local shops are definitely seeing changes in vendor behavior because of how big Sweetwater is becoming.

    Inserting - a very small allen wrench and pushing up undid the clip. It's pretty clear that the clip, instead of just providing some resistance, is actually locking rather than only providing tension. A very thin and narrow flathead screwdriver or a narrow feeler gauge would also work.

    I've tried a few different cables - varying makes - all quality - and they all lock in. Also - to clarify, this is the male end of the cable going into the female Input Return XLR - the small buttons on the cable that you push are on the female ends of the XLR cable (like the mains outs). There is no button on the XLR Input jack on the back of the Kemper (in fact I've only seen buttons on female jacks a few times - usually female jacks use tension clips to keep the cable in). This is the jack that you plug your mic or DI in when you want to profile.

    It looks like it's just a simple manufacturing defect in the jack, but at $2600 I'll be asking for a replacement unit from Sweetwater. Fortunately they have always resolved my issues in the past.

    On a positive note, I was able to upgrade to 3.0 and profile my Ampeg SVT-7 Pro and my GK MB Fusion 800 through their DI outs.

    Wiggling doesn't help. I Can pull very hard on the plug and it doesn't come out. I think the tension mechanism is messed up. I literally had it unpacked for less than an hour before I plugged in the xlr and it got stuck. It's not a crappy cable and it shows no signs of damage or compression. I would certainly hate to have to deal with returns for such a silly problem... But despite it's silliness its a real problem. :)

    thanks for for the suggestions!

    Button? I don't see a button. I have buttons on the female ends of the plugs, but the male ends either have a small hole or no hope at all. Most of my plugs are neutriks so I can disassemble the cable and only the cylinder remains.

    I guessing that the tension clip that holds the male for plug is either bent or is simply applying too much pressure.

    It looks like there is a small slot area below the xlr plug. I may try sliding in a flathead screwdriver to see if I can unlatch it. This appears to be the solution for many people with similar problems on other equipment like mixers, etc.

    Hello. Today I received my new Profiler PowerRack. I want to model my Ampeg SVT-7 Pro bass amp, so I ran an XLR cable from the SVT's DI to the XLR on the Return Input.

    Unfortunately somehow my XLR is now stuck in the Return Input. I can't pull it out, and I've tried pretty hard (obviously don't want to hurt it on day 1).

    Is there some trick to pulling out XLR cables on the Return?

    I've gone back and forth between 1.06 Stable and 1.07 PB several times now and each time 1.07 PB S/PDIF stops working upon load of the first profile after boot. Each time I go back to 1.06 Stable S/PDIF works as expected. I also use S/PDIF exclusively so I'm blocked on 1.07 PB in its current version.


    You may want to check out Eurekasound's EurekaPROM. It's a physical chip that replaces the chip that ships with the FCB (takes 10-15 minutes to replace with a screwdriver). I ran an 11PROM in my FCB for a long time with my 11Rack and loved it (sold my GCP). I just upgraded to the EurekaPROM and its PP mode for the Kemper. Plus their support is fantastic and responsive. For me, 15 minutes and $35 is worth it vs. digging through manuals and PC editors.



    This morning I loaded 1.07 on my KPA. Upon reboot I had no output via S/PDIF. I rebooted, and during the reboot I had output via S/PDIF but as soon as the KPA was fully booted and loaded the rig, the S/PDIF cuts out. I tried again, same behavior. Then I down flashed to 1.06 Stable, and S/PDIF works correctly. I reflashed to 1.07 and S/PDIF cuts out again.

    Does anyone else see different behavior with 1.07 PB?
