Posts by Rescator

    I am glad you're OK , alive and kickin' , Mr. Kemper !
    But I am still scratching my head after two months of KPA use , not because of its rocket science , but because of simple , and thus genius logic behind its philosophy .
    Whatever might be the question , answer is already there , build in that machine .

    Cheers ! :thumbup:

    does the actual stomp box order affects the tone ?
    Say , booster in A position is the same as booster in D or say B position ?
    In real life , pedal order make a huge difference , that's why my question .
    Tnx 8)

    Just managed to assign a first 10 rograms to my vintage TRex Bigfoot Midi device.
    Reason I haven't done it before was in wrong number of Global Midi chanell on my my KPA .
    It should be chanell 1 to match the Bigfoot , but it was 3.
    More I managed to assign two toogle switches to A and B stomp .
    In total I have 6 #CC toogles on Bigfoot Trex animal

    My question is how to manage now those #CC's , I have 6 positions on Midi , but 8 kPA stoms , namely A,B,C, D ,X, Mod, Delay and Reverb
    Should I assign it Globaly or Individualy for each profile/program ??

    Anyway , I am happy like baby , changing profiles with one foot click is good feeling , and I can compare it in a second !!!i

    Attention: The last reply to this post was 202 days ago. The thread may already be out of date. Please consider creating a new thread.

    No thanks , I would like to reply this 202 days old thread 8)

    Hi Heater ,
    I don't think CK will do anything regarding your demand , since it looks like only two of us (on this forum) have guitars with BFTS installed :thumbup:
    I am using Turbo tuner , tuning the strings on attack .

    to each its own...
    (standard) tuner is useless function for me since my two main guitars are Anderson's , i.e Buzz Feiten tuning system is installed.
    tuner non-stop LED becomes annoying , more or less ...anyone knows how to switch it off ?
    Kemper deserves better and more sophisticated tuner.

    Armin , you are decent Gentleman ,my respect for above post of yours !
    (btw yours rigs are fantastic too !)

    Andy , since there is no sound sample in Rig 2 (as in Rig 1) , I did some research on net , and find those few clips with real Trainwreck amp on YouTube .
    After listening TW for the first time in my life , first thing on my mind was -NO WAY - neither Kemper like a device nor Andy like a profiler/user nor anyone else can get even close to TW sound .
    It is too complex , but very simple in the same time .
    That TW sound looks like a three amps are engaged in the same time , one musical , bell like clean , one fantastic crunch and one , brownish, hot but smooth , nasty but polite , wild but articulated natural tube distortion .
    And one can hear it ALL of three amps in the same time on full volume , or choose the mix of it with simple pick up change and rolling down volume or tone down , just like on real amp .

    OK, I said , lets check Rig 2 , just too see how much close KPA and Andy can get :

    ;( :huh: :S 8| ?( :( ;) :) :D 8o 8o :thumbup: :thumbup: :!: :!: :!: (that's mean I am blown away , you've made it , using TW and KPA !!!! )

    I am only one month user , and this TW profile convinced me that Kemper deserve Nobel Prize for his KPA .
    You deserve all my compliments for Rig 2 and TW profile on the first place !!!!!

    I still couldn't believe . ....This is amazing ...

    Can anybody do this sound on Kemper ????
    (btw , this one of the best guitar solo ever made , I don't know any guitarist who manage to play with such a feeling in vibrato and feedback
    I hope this song will touch you , even its maybe a little bit too "ethno" for Western ears...get it loud ,anyway )

    I hope it is possible , so any advice from advanced users regarding profile /amp/effects/cab/...set up... any advice will be very appreciated .
    Original track was done about 40 years a go , on Fender guitar , Marshall amp and some pedals, don't exactly know which ones.....

    It was a time when Gods still used to walk on Earth , and when Page and Blackmore were on the top on the World .
    Steve Vai, Satriani, Paul Gilbert , Yngwie name it , were still kids ,playing in the backyard...

    Thanks a million !

    an old joke from my country :

    restaurant guest (an old English Gentleman) ordered dozen of oranges and cup of sugar on the side .
    once the order was delivered , he cleaned the oranges and put some sugar on top of each orange .
    after that, he just start to throw one by one orange with sugar on top in the recycle bin .
    the waiter , obviously confused and while scratching his head , said in a half voice :

    "Sorry Sir , would you mind if I ask you why are you throwing a way oranges with sugar on top, you just have ordered ? "

    " Because I don't like , and thus don't eat the oranges with sugar on top , my boy " , was the English gentleman's answer 8)

    This is the best compliment addressed to KPA I ever heard of !
    If I am CK , I will put this testimonial on KPA main site !!! :thumbup: :thumbup: