Posts by mwitte

    Thanks for your replies!

    Amazing! i can 't believe that my hearing make so much difference ...

    The volume-difference between the two profiles i mention above is so great that I would have to readjust the volume.
    But that is ok so and has nothing to do that the loudness-algorithm maybe not working properly?

    Why have distorted profiles have different loudness? I compare only the pure profile. All volume settings are at + -0.
    I thought the Kemper automatically compensates the volume for profiling?

    I especially noticed the difference in the DIEZEL profiles of Mr. "r.sirius" (which are great by the way) compared to the factory presets "Kerosin 1."
    Generally I find the factory preset to some slightly underpowered compared to the breast of the USER presets. What's happening in the profiling process to created that difference in loudness?

    Best Regards
    (and sorry for my bad english)