Posts by Bechti

    With the FC1010 we have a cheap alternative until the KFC is out, however, I'm also looking forward for the looper and a more compact board.
    The editor is out, the performance mode works... so I thought it's time to get some information about the flood board. If it's going to be the large version I think about going for a Liquid FR mini + looper... so I'd like to get some information... I mean the basic design should be specified.. I can understand if they need more time to work on detailing it out, but I'd like to know what we can expect. I think it's a fair request, after involving us in the design with the "Evolution" stuff etc.

    Buy the fingers of SRV :D

    I'd recommend the Morgan AC 20 profile. It's quite flexible, and I use it for a lot of SRV stuff (tube screamer in front). The Texas Specials aren't my preferable SRV pickup. I would rather go for a lower powered PU and put on thicker strings.

    It's now an eBay company, to rip off more provision (they connect it to their buyer ""enshurance").
    I don't trust it but it's fast and sometimes needed.

    I think this has been handled very poorly considering those of us who have had one for close to 2 or more years are basically getting the shaft from Kemper after placing trust in a company with an unfinished product. Seems like blatant false advertising to me....

    Two years ago the Kemper was selling for 1449€ and the power amp upgrade wasn't announce at all. This came later and the upgrade was given a price tag around 600€.
    Some month later the price of the KPA was increased to 1549 and then 1559€ (internet prices, the Kemper price was always around 50€ higher).

    The upgrade option then was obvious not possible, this mistake by a small company, that hasn't dealt before with EU directives etc, is of course a pity, but I wouldn't impute wrong advertising. They already sold more KPA that they could produce, where is the point to increase sales and risk bad reputation. There was no need to run in that trap if they would have know what they know know.

    On the contrary, Kemper could have just said, sorry guys, we're not allowed to drop in the power amp afterwards, bad luck. But they do care for the early adapters and give you a 350€ rabatte (announced were 300€, but obvious someone at Kemper has checked used prices). The power amp option was announced as a 600€ upgrade. So in the end you get not only the power amp, but get a new Kemper (for those who have their KPA for 2 years, your warrenty is in some way refreshed) and even if you pay 50-100€ more by selling the KPA in a bad deal, you get what you want in the end, with a refreshed set of hardware.

    I even bought the Powered version without waiting for the rebate (I guess Kemper will have a hugh backlog, and I didn't want to wait any longer) and sold my old version (mentioning that it's "upgradable") for 1400€ (this is a great deal for someone who want to buy e.g. a Kemper head for the road and a rack for his studio, saving for both units).
    I paid for the upgrade 700€ which is ok for me considering the announced 600€ upgrade option and my refreshed warranty (even 3 years from my seller).

    What I tried to point out. I don't see the loss you're complaining about. You even get new hardware (maybe improved, at least my new version has a better painting), new warranty etc... you can even wait to sell your old unit until you get the powered version. Compared to an upgrade of you current Kemper, which would have been needed to be send to a service centre, you don't need to miss playing with a KPA for a single day.

    If you don't like the Kemper deal, you could also go for a third party power amp upgrade for 350-500€, even giving you an option to power a stereo cap or wait for the matrix module. Nothing has changed for that option, and the Kemper Upgrade path, in fact, has no disadvantages compared to the earlier announced 600€ upgrade as I have summarized above.

    The FCB1010 with the uno4kemper Chip is a great solution. Still you need 3 cables (2 midi + one for power), I have added a 7pin midi connector which has midi in/out and power. Not it's great and will work for me until the Kemper board is available!

    See SYSTEM - Page 1/9 "White Balance". You can easily change from green to blue and back. ;)

    ... says the one who has not seen more then one KPA in person :whistling:
    I definitely had both displays set up the same way, but still there was a significant difference!

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    I like the blueish screen better, however, even compared to old mobile phones, the display is crap. On the other hand, when you have dialed in your tones, you don't need the display that much and if the editor finally has arrived, it's not an issue at all. I guess I'm too flattered by all the retina displays these days ;)

    I havent compared the black and white kemper next to eachother but I usually find white text on black background easier to see.

    If the base material is the same yes. The black Kemper however is different, none metallic. The black on the white version is popping up from the surface, the white letters on the black version don't.

    My latest Kemper (PowerRack) has by far the worst display, I can't dial in a proper contrast at all:

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    I always struggled with the Kemper look. I really like the design and the usability, it's just from an guitarist point of view. The head is to tall, or to narrow compared to a regular head.
    Therefore I have now ordered the powered rack. My plan is to put in in a Marshall sized enclosure to match my Marshall 2061cx. To perfectly match the Marshall cabinet size, I would need to go for 4U instead of 3U, then I could also have bought a matrix stereo:

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    What do you think?
    What do you use for your Kemper Rack on the road?

    I had both, white and black, toasters. The white version is easier to read. The white/silver background highlights the black letters. The letters also seem to sit on the white/silver paint. On the black version the white letter melt together with the background, So from a readability point of view, the white toaster is better, but I don't dare to say how much ;)
    What is more important is the display. It's not a really good display (IPS or OLED), has weak contrast and is highly viewing angle dependent. It's good to read when you sit straight towards it, but when you're standing and look from above, it's hard to read. BTW, there are two different displays used for the toaster version. One is rather blue, the other one is rather green. I first thought the blueish version is for the white version only, but then I got the same display also in one of my black toasters. I prefer the blueish display over the other one.

    Just adjust a set of profiles for the cab.
    Normally you can use the sound from the Master Out, but when you need your Kemper for the rehearsals, you select the customized profiles. That's what I plan to do, when my powered rack has arrived.
    The Vintage 30 is a pretty colorful cab, that might also make the job of adjustment a bit more tricky.

    I have two antiquity Surfers (neck/mid) and a Kinman Big Nine-0 (bridge) in my American vintage hot rod strat.
    Very great set of pu. Especially the big nine-0 is awesome. Gives you everything a singlecoil lacks in the bridge position of a strat and a takes away what a humbucker is exaggerating. Awesome nock position and noiseless. Perfect from fat cleans to high gain!
    I wouldn't change the singlecoils in neck/mid, that's why I actually have the strat. If you want more versatility, go for a fender s1 switch. I have the following set-up:
    S1 off:
    Normal strat
    S1 on:
    1: bridge mid in series
    2: bridge / neck in parallel
    3: bridge / mid and neck in series
    4: all three pu in parallel
    5: neck mid in series