Posts by HamerJo

    First things first,

    thank you Michael Britt, Kemper team and Ruben Roeh. I've been a fan of MB profiles for quite some time now but the presentation from Ruben Roeh showed me new sonic possibilities with M. Britt's ever excellent profiles. I already bought many of them but still was happy to learn about new ones and new ways to handle old ones.

    I say they have been picked very meticulously from the lot.

    In my humble experience many Kemper profiles sit well with a well aged telecaster. Naturally this was the first guitar I chose for a test.

    Really well done!

    Thanks a lot


    Welcome to the Kemper lot,

    I'm quite around here sure there's a lot of brains waiting to be picked.




    I did a lot of KPA recordings and mixed them with Cubase. I don't record directly to Cubase though. Everything is written on a sd card, checked for mud and missing level (more often than not). You may check KPA output level and input level in Cubase. I don't think that the answer to your problem is to be found kemperwise. I would check all settings of cubase for starters.

    Good luck


    Glad to hear it,
    I also experienced strange sounds with the Kemper with rigs I know well and use often. Sometimes my ears won't do their job properly. I usually take a day off when this happens.

    Back to the TwoRock...

    I just looked up the frequency response of a SHURE SM-57 (often used in live situations). Can we agree that this is one of the most used microphones also for profiling?

    Frequency response works between 40 Hz and 15 kHz which, at my age, is beyond my hearing capabilities.
    At 40 Hz the signal goes down 10 dB, at 100 Hz it gets down 5dB. It will work approximatively linear between 200 Hz and 6 kHz So if your amp/cab does something in the range of - 100 Hz it stands to reason that there will be quite a signal drop. Since the frequencies are not lost kemperwise they should come to life with a graphic eq (more or less). I doubt it though that it will help you in the amp in the room situation. As far as I can see the frequency response of your tworock eminence starts from 25 Hz. No sweat there for sure.



    I didn't hear that, but I hope that once the profiling algorithm again will be optimized. But indeed I read a thread where somebody told, that during Profiling the lower frequencies (under 100 Hz) are supressed. Maybe this is the reason for my profiling-results with my TwoRock-Amps.

    Hallo Hurricane,

    no hard feelings but I kind of find that hard to believe. To the best of my knowledge: If 50Hz are delivered at profiling time the Kemper will reproduce it. After all you may play a solid bass on a diet of Kemper rigs that won't let you down as far as low frequencies are concerned. In my experience as a mixing guy and as a guitar/bass player I would not believe that guitars should be allowed to use frequencies that low in a live or in a studio situation because they'd easily interfere with bass guitar and kick drum and thus generate muddy sounds. That's why synthesizers and keyboards sometimes are very hard to handle. Amp in the room as a sole player now that's an entirely different animal.
    What does your TwoRock cabinet tells you about the frequency range?


    I'm sure that the tube amp players, will rethink their sneers minding the aching back when getting older. Then again, without the tube amp players none of the great amps would have come to our attention. Being a great amp comes when enough of the right people play it at that.
    So, if they'll come around to our point of view: So much the better for them.
    If not, they're still most valued musicians and hopefully fun to make music with.

    Last but not least: It really feels good knowing that you'll never loose a sound comparison again.

    Many happy Kemper days!


    PS: Before my Kemper arrived (quite some time now) I felt the same way as you did!

    Hi Johan,

    love that equipment! Actually the old equipment looks rather faithful. Of course, the Kemper really is a miracle not only in sound but definitely it is a looker at that!
    Welcome to the happy Kempers!


    Welcome to the Kemper lot,

    I can subscribe to your point of view concerning Line 6. It has to be said though that it doesn't sound too bad in rehearsals and gigs where you don't hear all the subtelties of your own sound. The KPA in my opinion is second to none and is sounding more than real enough for me.


    Welcome to the happy Kempers,

    you'll be in for a lot of good things here. As for use of the english language: Quite a lot non native speakers are around here, me e.g.. So don't you worry about that!

    A happy new year and lots of fun.



    Uff, thank you,

    Well done and very considerate,
    means: I might have forgotten about it without this reminder!

    Happy New Your to all you guys of the Kemper family and the ever patient and hardworking Kemper team.

    See you in 2017.
    Have to hurry now to make it in time..

