Posts by KPA_Leader

    i use the 4 cable method.(google it) .i use the kemper loop (2 cables) and then i go from my guitar to the H9 to the Kemper..this way when you use any of the distortion setting you can set them to pre instead of post. i run the all delays and modulaltions in post of H9 which route it to the loop in the Kemper...the distortion presets are way noisy for me to use in the loop of the Kemper. (the x slot). best pedal i have ever bought.

    Maybe I just don't understand how it works yet, but why would you run it this way? Don't you lose the stereo ability of the H9 running it like this, since only 1 of you outputs is being routed to the Kemper loop? If you set it up only in the loop, but in stereo, can't you just create a new rig and add a mono loop "stomp" before the amp section of the Kemper for your distortions? Then you would get the distortions where you want them, plus you would be able to run all your other effects in stereo. Have you tried this?

    Crazy. I checked the link when you posted it earlier and saw that it was there. I wonder why it was removed???

    I have no idea, I've never seen or heard those details anywhere but there, so maybe that was info that wasn't supposed to be made known.... well, I guess we will find out! This thread may or may not exist tomorrow!

    Not sure how reliable this information is, but after doing a google search and reading the below, I decided to hold off on buying an H9 and just wait for these delays. Once 5.0 delays are released and I get a chance to hear what they are capable of, I may only consider an H9 after that. This is only info on delays, I've found nothing about new reverbs.

    OS 5.0 Delays

    While there are a large number of delay effects listed in OS 5.0, they all boil down to a few core delay types with different features available:

    Two-Tap Delay - features two delays that function in tandem, not independently. The first setting is the baseline setting, while the other is the offset of the first. So you can get pairs of delays such as 100ms, 120ms, 200ms, 220ms, 300ms, 320ms...
    Serial Delay - this is essentially two delays built into one effect, with the output of the first feeding directly into the input of the second. The second delay will repeat the raw guitar as well as the trails of the first.
    Dual Delay - two fully independent delays functioning in parallel. Thus, you can have 30ms, 60ms, 90ms, 120ms... in the left field and 100ms, 200ms, 300ms... in the right.
    Melody Delay - this is similar to the two-tap delay in that the same delay pattern will repeat against the first delay's baseline time; however, each delay here can be set to different pitch-shifter settings. Variants for chromatic and harmony pitch-shifting are provided. This can be used to play arpeggios or scales via delay trails.
    Many of the new delays have the same great feature set, with two different kinds of modulation, (transient) smearing, attack swelling, reversing, hold/infinite feedback, crystal/shimmer (progressive pitch-shifting in the feedback loop), and both tape distortion and wow/flutter emulation.

    But perhaps the most interesting new feature is Super Stereo on the Stereo parameter. Stereo can be set to <0.0> at dead center, which means each of the delays will be panned to center. Moving left to -100% or right to 100% pans each delay full L/R or the opposite R/L. Going beyond 100% up to 200% in either direction engages "Super Stereo", which uses some EQ or phase trickery to make the delays sound even wider and even three-dimensional, like they are coming from the sides and back of the room.

    Hi Section8, how did you fasten the remote to this pedal board?

    So I'm thinking of starting a commercial profile site where I profile commonly used (or at least, sought-after) worship amps (Jackson Scarlett 30, Morgan AC20, Matchless DC30, etc) and profile them by themselves and then, for each amp, have like 50 profiles with different boutique overdrive pedals (Klon KTR, Morning Glory, Mulholland Drive, TS808HW, King Of Tone, a couple of different versions of Scarlett Love, etc) at different gain and volume levels running into the amps at edge-of-breakup.

    Would there be be a market for this? Does that sound intriguing?

    Hi Paul, there's a huge untapped market here. Like above, take my money now! As you know, worship guitarists love there gear, amps and pedals alike. Most are trying to emulate the sounds from Bethel, HIllsong, and the others, but most are resistant to digital solutions like the kemper. I think if you were to create rig packs that made these sounds readily available to the market from the Kemper, and they were good sounding profiles, it would blow up in the worship community.

    As you know a huge part of that worship sound comes from pedal overdrive and not overdrive from an amp. I'm very resistant to buy pedals to create my sound because i want to keep things simple, but i really want that pedal overdrive sound that is so popular in worship music. I know rigbusters makes profiles of overdrive pedals in front of their amp, but they are NOT doing this specifically for the worship community.

    If you were to do this, you would definitely be on the forefront of a very untapped market.

    I'll have my money waiting for you and I want to see this done by tomorrow...

    Welcome Paul! I've been thinking it would be great to create some sort of community for Kemper using worship guitarists, somewhere that we can all pull together ideas, experiences, tips, etc for using the Kemper in our context. Maybe just a "Master" thread on here? Or a Facebook community? Thoughts?

    Just wondering if any of you have run across this yet? See attached pictures. In the new sample rig, MORPH Dream, with morphing engaged, the delay trail seems to just go for ever, which is a cool effect if you are trying to create an Ambient Pad sound, look out synth players! If you look at delay slot you can see that the mix is all the way up which should be 100.0/ 0.0%, however sometimes it will jump to a number more like 100.0/ 26634.9% !!! I can even put a delay in another slot and recreate a similar behavior if I turn the Mix knob all the way up. Has anyone else messed around with this rig yet?

    You know, there was one of the new morphing rigs that came with the 4.0 that would sometime morph into like an infinite loop, kind of like a freeze function. When I would look at the feedback value it was at some crazy value i've never seen before, like 10,000%+ or something. I'll see if I can recreate that condition tonight and update you guys.

    You know, it's been bugging me since the release of 4.0, but there was a thread where someone found the new delays via some MIDI commands, as long as they downloaded a certain rig off the RE, which happened to be created with 4.0 or something like that. People were even posting sound cloud clips of the new delays. I had been meaning to look into it when suddenly the rig could no longer be found in the RE and then shortly after the thread or any mention of it was removed from the Forum. Because of how back door the method was to get to these new delays and how quickly this information was removed, it was obvious it was not Kemper's intent that they would be made public at that point.

    Just pay $10 a month for Spotify. Problems solved and you will be listening to music you never would have paid for before!