Posts by glenharris1971

    Latest firmware is 5.1.0 beta which will be installed by Rig Manager 2.0 beta . After installation, make sure you have ticked in File -> Preferences of Rig Manager "Automatically check for Software updates" and "Check also for beta releases", then restart Rig Manager and it should start update process to newest 5.1.0.
    As for your issue it's not clear to me what you have described.

    From what I understood, when you filter rigs list with for example "favorites" or "just bass", after you scroll to new rig, you are taken back to old one after a moment?

    I'm using 5.1.
    When I am in browse mode:
    Let's say I'm on an AC30...I scroll to the next amp and although it visually highlights the next amp, it does not switch to it.

    I recently updated the KPA to the latest firmware 5.0.3 and I have not been able to select rigs. I can scroll through, stop on one and it reverts back to the rig I was just on. It works for a minute after selecting "favorites" or "just bass", etc. Then it goes right back to staying on the same rig when scrolling. I have also tried turning off autoload and selecting manually. Still no luck. Any advice?

    Hello, has anybody tried Alto TS210 / Yamaha DXR10 or similar speakers with bass? I play both guitar and bass and unfortunately I bought an unpowered Kemper, so I need something that fits both kind of instruments.
    Obviously I don't expect it to be the 'optimal' solution, but something that can be used in live gigs.
    I have tried some 100+100W or 230W retrofit solutions but found they weren't enough to hear my instrument over my guitarist's amp and my drummer, so I thought a 500-700W PA would cover my needs, even with a backup solution in case my Kemper fails (DI box or some other modeler).

    I switched from bass about 20 years ago but was recently asked to play bass for a reunion show and I used the KPA with an Alto 112. It sounded great to my ears. Punchy, deep, lots o power, but if you need to keep up with a guitarist with a ridiculously loud rig, you might need a little extra.

    Soooo....Thought I'd give you guys an update.
    While I was browsing for a deal on one of the 5 or 6 FRFR's that I wanted, I found an Alto TS210 at MusiciansFriend for $179 shipped, no tax. I needed something to give me just a little extra volume for rehearsal for bass and a smaller unit with a little less bass for guitar vs my 112. Maybe the hype on the CLR's will come down in 6 months or so and I could grab one at a reasonable price. I think this Alto will hold me over just fine as I have been very happy with the 112 version.
    I am on a bit of a time crunch here and for $179 I can't complain.

    I am currently looking for another amplification option for my lunchbox.
    I am active in two bands. My forever gig is a lead guitarist position in a band that gigs all summer long at wineries, private organizations, benefits and one big national festival. The other gig is as a bassist in a Primus-ey kind of band. The latter just arose recently.
    I was an early adopter of the KPA, long before the powered options and floorboard came to be. I was very pissed off when the powered options became available and it still angers me that Kemper does not offer a retrofit power solution... so, I'm using an Alto TS112 for stage volume which has been fine for me until recently. It's a bit boomy but easily eq'd out. Then I start playing bass with the Primus-ey project and the alto is struggling to keep up with the way too loud guitarist's Mesa 412 during rehearsal. Bottom line is, I need another FRFR to replace the Alto in band A and add to the Alto in band B.
    I've been doing lots of research on the matter and I've come to conclude that it's not as easy as I'd hoped. I have read so many opinions it's ridiculous. I found a good deal on an Atomic Reactor FR 50 watt tube powered cab. On paper (or LCD in this case) it looks great and if you look at opinions from a few years ago, it's the bees knees. Today, the general consensus is that it is shit. The idea that it is 50 watt tube makes me feel warm and fuzzy because until the KPA, I was a die hard valve guy. How can opinions change so much. If the cab sounded great a few years ago, why does it not still sound great? I'm talking about the same reviewers gushing about it a few years ago and trashing it today....makes no sense.
    So TODAY the general consensus is;
    A) The Atomic CLR is the be-all, end-all option, crafted by god himself
    B) Aside from the CLR there are really only about 3-4 options available for a good sounding FRFR
    C) In any case, you're spending $600-$1200
    I cannot justify spending $1000 on the CLR. The Yamaha DXR10 seems like the obvious choice but i would like to find more options, maybe going stereo.
    Are there any hidden gems out there that are under the radar?

    Well bear in mind it's to buy a new KPA rather than upgrade, so they're probably expecting you to sell your existing one to help finance that. The trouble is from what I've seen on eBay second hand Kempers' are selling at around $1200, so even with that and and rebate in the US that's still an additional $1060 to get a 600watt solid state poweramp "added" to your Kemper.

    Seems like it would make more sense to buy elsewhere, sure it wont be as integrated, but how much integration do you need on a volume control?

    When I read it too I was thinking that it seems like a bit of a slap in the face for early adopters though, given that we were all lead to believe that the cavity in the back of our lunchboxes was going to be for the future poweramp, and that even when the poweramp came out suggestions were abound that the existing units would be upgradable (at a reasonably comparative price). Fortunately for me I don't need a poweramp, but I don't think it's going to appease many folk.

    I agree. This is kinda crappy for us that bought the lunchbox with hopes to put an inexpensive solid state amp in the back. Even the "camplifier" is way too expensive for what it is. :thumbdown:

    The Burstbucker Pro is an incredible pickup. I have them in an ES-339 and they are the most dynamically response humbuckers I've ever played. They catch some slack for being harsh, but I disagree and think that's largely due to having an almost single coil snap to them.

    I agree. The neck pickup sounds single-coilish or p90 like. I was lucky enough to get one of the '05 Gibson Vintage Mahogany Les Paul's when they were just released and these pickups were stock. Fantastic guitar.

    I am amazed at how different all of my pickups in various guitars sound with the KPA. The KPA really lets you HEAR those pickups. Pickups that I used to think were just "meh" are now incredible. You can also tell in a second if the pickup is crap.
    I have a brand new appreciation for pickups that I didn't really care for (couldn't hear the definition of) when using my Marshall, Fender and Egnater amps...such as the Gibson Burstbucker Pro, Duncan STL-2, the EMG 85 and SA series and the GFS Alnico II. Good stuff! :thumbup:

    I use my Wampler Ecstasy in the loop and it sounds fantastic. I like being able to switch with my FCB1010 to different channels and choose whether the Wampler is in or out as well as where in the chain. It sounds great in front of the KPA as well, just not as versatile.